Statute: Code of Ala. § 13A-11-75
Issuing Authority: County sheriff
Cost: Varies by jurisdiction and length of time for which permit is issued
Length: 1-5 years
Terms Of Issuance: Shall issue
Reciprocity: Yes Out-Of-State Permits: No
Note: Alabama recognizes a permit issued by any state provided that Alabama residents are required to have an Alabama permit.
Statute: Alaska Stat. 18.65.700
Issuing Authority: Department of Public Safety, apply at State Trooper office
Cost: Up to $99 initial/$30 renewal
Length: Up to 5 years (expires on the person’s birthday in the fifth year following issuance)
Terms Of Issuance: Shall issue
Reciprocity: Yes Out-Of-State Permits: No
Note: While a permit is available, none is required to carry concealed in Alaska
Statute: A.R.S. § 13-3102, 13-3112
Issuing Authority: Department of Public Safety, Concealed Weapons Permits Unit
Cost: $60 initial/$43 renewal
Length: 5 years
Terms Of Issuance: Shall issue
Reciprocity: Yes
Out-Of-State Permits: Yes
Note: While a permit is available, none is required to carry a weapon in Arizona. Consult state laws on limitations on where and how weapons may be carried.
Statute: Ark. Code § 5-73-309
Issuing Authority: Director of Department of State Police
Cost: $100 plus other costs if under 65 years of age (currently $142.11), $50 plus other costs if over 65 (currently $90.61). Renewals: $35 plus other costs, with no difference based on age (currently $62.80).
Length: 5 years Terms Of Issuance: Shall issue
Reciprocity: Yes Out-Of-State Permits: No
Note: Arkansas recognizes a valid permit issued by any other state. A recent statute change settled a long-standing dispute and now allows concealed carry without a permit.
Statute: CA Penal Sec § 26150, 26155
Issuing Authority: County sheriff or chief/head of police
Cost: Varies; licensing authorities application fee is limited to $100 and $25 for renewals, but statute provides for other fees (including up to $150 for any required psychological exam) and for regular increases in cost.
Length: 2 years maximum for civilian permit
Terms Of Issuance: May issue Reciprocity: Not provided for
Out-Of-State Permits: Code appears to allow county sheriff to grant a permit to one not residing in their county if their primary place of business is there and they spend a “substantial period of time” there.
Note: Some changes in forms became effective January 1, 2017. New assault weapons restrictions are currently being implemented.
Statute: Colo. Rev. Stat. 18-12-203
Issuing Authority: County sheriff
Cost: No more than $100 initial, $50 renewal, plus other fees
Length: 5 years Terms Of Issuance: Shall issue
Reciprocity: Yes, but appears to apply only to resident permits
Out-Of-State Permits: No
Note: A temporary emergency permit is also available and its age limit was lowered from 21 to 18.
Statute: Conn. Gen. Stat. § 29-28
Issuing Authority: Chief of police, warden or first selectman for temporary permit, Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection (State Police) for state permit and for non-residents
Cost: $140 initial (appears to be $70 for local, $70 for state) plus other fees, $70 renewal
Length: 5 years for state; temporary permit unclear, but appear for state permit within 60 days of receiving local permit
Terms Of Issuance: May issue Reciprocity: No
Out-Of-State Permits: Yes; statute appears to require that non-residents already be permitted by another jurisdiction, but not necessarily their home state.
Note: Residents must apply locally for a temporary permit prior to eligibility for state permit; out of state, apply directly to Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection (State Police). Some minor changes took effect October 1, 2016.
Statute: Del. Code Title 11 § 1441
Issuing Authority: Prothonotary of Superior Court
Cost: $65 initial/renewal
Length: Expires on June 1; 2 years initial/3 renewal
Terms Of Issuance: May issue Reciprocity: Yes
Out-Of-State Permits: Attorney general has authority to issue a short-term permit to non-resident under very limited circumstances
Note: Statute allows 3-year initial permit/5-year renewal, but procedural rules only allow 2/3.
Statute: DC Code § 22-4506, DC Code § 7-2509.02
Issuing Authority: Chief of Metropolitan Police Department
Cost: $75 application fee plus $35 for fingerprints (if not on file) and other possible fees
Length: 2 years (chief may limit “times of the day, week, month or year” license is effective)
Terms Of Issuance: May issue Reciprocity: No
Out-Of-State Permits: Yes; you must either have a place of business in D.C. or a permit from another state, unless home state does not require permit
Note: DC limits ammo to no more than the number of cartridges required to fully load the firearm or 10 cartridges, whichever is less. The CCW statute appears to still be subject to active litigation and is therefore likely to change without notice.
Statute: Fla. Stat. Ch. § 790.06
Issuing Authority: Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Cost: $102 initial, $50 renewal (including fingerprint processing fee; renewal is $92 if non-resident)
Length: 7 years Terms Of Issuance: Shall issue
Reciprocity: Yes Out-Of-State Permits: Yes
Note: Reciprocity appears to apply only to those with permits issued by their state of residence, but is extended to license holders under 21 if they are serving or have been honorably discharged from the military. (reciprocity information only)
Statute: O.C.G.A. § 16-11-129
Issuing Authority: Judge of County Probate Court
Cost: $30 initial/renewal plus additional fees that vary by county, $1 for temporary renewal permit
Length: 5 years Terms Of Issuance: Shall issue
Reciprocity: Yes Out-Of-State Permits: No
Note: For those serving in or honorably discharged from the military, the age limit is reduced from 21 to 18.
Statute: Haw. Rev. Stat. § 134-9 Issuing Authority: Chief of police
Cost: $10Length: 1 year
Terms Of Issuance: May issue “in an exceptional case”
Reciprocity: No
Out-Of-State Permits: Appear to be provided for
Note: Permits appeared to be limited to carrying in the counties in which they are issued. No residence requirement appears in the statute, which also authorizes permits for certain foreign nationals.
Statute: Idaho Code § 18-3302, § 18-3302K (enhanced permit)
Issuing Authority: County sheriff
Cost: $20 initial, $15 renewal plus additional fees
Length: 5 years Terms Of Issuance: Shall issue
Reciprocity: Yes Out-Of-State Permits: Yes
Note: “Enhanced” permit requires training, a requirement that is otherwise discretionary with the issuing sheriff. Temporary emergency licenses are available. Pursuant to a change that became effective in 2016, state residents 21 or older may carry a concealed handgun without a permit if otherwise eligible for permit.
Statute: 430 ILCS 66/10
Issuing Authority: Department of State Police
Cost: $150 initial/renewal for resident, $300 initial/renewal for non-resident
Length: 5 years Terms Of Issuance: Shall issue
Reciprocity: No
Out-Of-State Permits: Yes, if state of residence has substantially similar weapons laws
Note: Non-residents who may lawfully carry in their home state are not prohibited from transporting a concealed firearm within their vehicle in Illinois, but they may not remove the gun from their vehicle and may not leave it unsecured if they get out.
Statute: Ind. Code § 35-47-2-3
Issuing Authority: Superintendent of State Police through local chief law enforcement officer (chief of police/sheriff)
Cost: $40-125 plus fingerprints (for unlimited license; qualified license is only for hunting and target shooting)
Length: 4 years or lifetime Terms Of Issuance: Shall issue
Reciprocity: Yes Out-Of-State Permits: Yes
Note: Out-of-state permits appear to only be issued to those with a regular place of business in Indiana.
Statute: IA Code Sec. § 724.11
Issuing Authority: County sheriff, Commissioner of Public Safety for out-of-state applicants
Cost: $50 initial/$25 renewal
Length: 5 years nonprofessional, 1 year professional, duration of employment for some LE professional permits
Terms Of Issuance: Shall issue Reciprocity: Yes
Out-Of-State Permits: Yes, but professional permit only
Note: contact Commissioner of Public Safety for out of state and some professional permits. Minor wording change took effect July 1, 2016.
Statute: K.S.A. § 75-7c05
Issuing Authority: Attorney general through county sheriff, card issued at driver’s license station
Cost: $132.50 initial/$25 renewal
Length: 4 years Terms Of Issuance: Shall issue
Reciprocity: Yes Out-Of-State Permits: No
Note: While a permit is available, pursuant to legislation passed in 2015 no permit is required to carry concealed in Kansas.
Statute: KY Rev. Stat. § 237.110
Issuing Authority: State Police if electronic application, through county sheriff if paper application.
Cost: $60 initial/$60 renewal
Length: 5 years Terms Of Issuance: Shall issue
Reciprocity: Yes Out-Of-State Permits: No
Statute: La. Sec. 40:1379.3
Issuing Suthority: Deputy Secretary of Department of Public Safety and Corrections
Cost: $25 per year initial/renewal, with possible additional fees for initial, including a one-time $50 for those who have not resided in the state for the 15 years prior to application; annual cost reduced by half for those 65 and older and active military. Lifetime: 20 years prepayment for under 65, 10 years for those over 65.
Length: 5 years or lifetime, with statutory provision for less than 5 years, and proof of training required every five years for lifetime.
Terms Of Issuance: Shall issue Reciprocity: Yes
Out-Of-State Permits: No
Note: Temporary permits available for those protected by a restraining order.
Statute: 25 M.R.S. § 2003
Issuing Authority: Varies by area of residence: mayor/municipal authority, chief of local police or chief of State Police (nonresidents apply to chief of State Police)
Cost: $35 initial/$20 renewal ($60 initial/renewal for non-residents)
Length: 4 years Terms Of Issuance: Shall issue
Reciprocity: Yes Out-Of-State Permits: Yes
Note: Effective October 15, 2015, no permit is required to carry concealed in Maine provided the person is 21 (or 18 with current military service or honorable discharge) and not prohibited from possessing a firearm. Reciprocity limited to permits issued by state of residence.
Statute: MD Code Pub. Safety § 5-306
Issuing Authority: Secretary of State Police
Cost: No more than $75 initial/$50 renewal, plus other fees
Length: 2 years initial (expires last day of holder’s birth month)/3 years renewal
Terms Of Issuance: Statute reads “shall issue,” but requires a “good and substantial” reason
Reciprocity: No Out-Of-State Permits: Appear to provided for
Statute: ALM GL ch. 140, § 131
Issuing Authority: Local licensing authority or colonel of State Police
Cost: $100
Length: 5-6 years; expires on applicant’s birthday
Terms Of Issuance: May issue
Reciprocity: No (limited to hunting, competition or exhibition by collectors)
Out-Of-State Permits: Yes
Note: There are currently two different versions of Massachusetts’ CCW Statute: one in effect until January 1, 2021 (which is the one covered above), and a second that goes into effect January 1, 2021. Some minor changes for non-resident temporary permits went into effect January 1, 2017.,4643,7-123-1878_1591_3503_4654—,00.html
Statute: Mich. Comp. Laws § 28.422
Issuing Authority: County clerk of court
Cost: $100 initial plus possible other fees and $115 renewal
Length: 4-5 years; expires on applicant’s birthday
Terms Of Issuance: Shall issue
Reciprocity: Yes Out-Of-State Permits: No
Note: Reciprocity does not appear to be extended to non-resident permits. Some minor changes took effect January 2, 2017; others are scheduled to become effective in November and December of 2018. Emergency permit is available.
Statute: Miss. Code § 45-9-101
Issuing Authority: Department of Public Safety
Cost: $80 initial/$40 renewal (resident over 65, renewal fee is $20), with possible other fees ($112/72 currently listed by DPS)
Length: 5 years Terms Of Issuance: Shall issue
Reciprocity: Yes
Out-Of-State Permits: Yes (statute allows residency requirement to be waived: DPS website, however, says they do not issue non-resident permits)
Note: Handguns may be carried in a purse, briefcase, or belt or shoulder holster without a permit. (reciprocity information only)
Statute: MO Rev. Stat. § 571.101
Issuing Authority: County or city sheriff or designee
Cost: $100 or less initial/$50 or less renewal
Length: 5 years Terms Of Issuance: Shall issue
Reciprocity: Yes Out-Of-State Permits: No
Note: The legislature overrode a veto by the governor to pass a law allowing concealed carry without a permit; permit-less carry, however, is restricted in many places where those with permit may carry.
Statute: Montana Code § 45-8-321
Issuing Authority: County sheriff
Cost: $50 initial (with possible additional $5 fingerprint fee) /$25 renewal
Length: 4 years Terms Of Issuance: Shall issue
Reciprocity: Yes Out-Of-State Permits: No
Statute: NH Stat. 159:6
Issuing Authority: Local selectmen, mayor, chief of police, sheriff or designee for residents, director of State Police or designee for non-residents
Cost: $10 resident/$100 non-resident
Length: Not less than 4 years
Terms Of Issuance: Shall issue
Reciprocity: Yes Out-Of-State Permits: Yes
Note: Reciprocity not extended to permits issued by a state in which the permit holder does not reside. Former requirement that non-resident submit a copy of permit from their home state was eliminated due to a June 2016 State Supreme Court decision. In February 2017, New Hampshire officially became a “constitutional carry” state.
Statute: NJSA § 2C:58-4, NJ Admin Code 13:54-2.1
Issuing Authority: Apply to chief police officer/superintendent of State Police, but issued by superior court
Cost: $20 plus additional fees Length: 2 years
Terms Of Issuance: May issue
Reciprocity: No Out-Of-State Permits: Yes
Note: While the statute says that superior court “shall” issue a permit, it’s “if, but only if…satisfied that the applicant…has a justifiable need to carry.”
Statute: NM Stat. § 29-19-4
Issuing Authority: Department of Public Safety
Cost: Not more than $100, plus fingerprint fee initial/$75 renewal
Length: 4 years, with refresher course required at 2 years
Terms Of Issuance: Shall issue
Reciprocity: Yes Out-Of-State Permits: No
Note: May only carry one handgun at a time, and you must qualify with highest caliber you carry.
Statute: NY PEN Law § 400.00
Issuing Authority: County or city licensing officer with some procedural oversight by superintendent of State Police
Cost: Varies by geographic location
Length: Varies by geographic location, but all permits must be recertified to the division of State Police every five years.
Terms Of Issuance: May issue
Reciprocity: Statute does not appear to provide for it
Out-Of-State Permits: Unclear, but appears so
Statute: ND Cent. Code § 62.1-04-03
Issuing Authority: Bureau of Criminal Investigation
Cost: $60 plus fingerprints and $50 testing fee initial/renewal amount unclear but appears to be $60 (plus additional testing fees for Class 1 license)
Length: 5 years Terms Of Issuance: Shall issue
Reciprocity: Yes Out-Of-State Permits: Yes
Note: Non-resident permits limited to those living in reciprocal states who have a permit from that state. Class 1 permits have greater reciprocity recognition than Class 2 permits.
Statute: Ohio Rev. Code 2923.125
Issuing Authority: County sheriff
Cost: $67 initial plus other possible fees/$50 renewal plus other possible fees if not a state resident for five years
Length: 5 years Terms Of Issuance: Shall issue
Reciprocity: Yes
Out-Of-State Permits: Yes, but appear to be limited to those employed in Ohio
Note: Temporary emergency permits are available.
Statute: Okla. Stat. Tit. 21 Sec. 1290.12
Issuing Authority: State Bureau of Investigation, apply at county sheriff
Cost: $100 initial for 5 years/$85 renewal plus no more than $25 for fingerprints and $10 for photo; $200 initial for 10 years/$170 renewal
Length: 5 or 10 years Terms Of Issuance: Shall issue
Reciprocity: Yes Out-Of-State Permits: No
Note: Some changes in application statute became effective November 1, 2016. Temporary permits are available for those who have been given a domestic abuse protective order. (application information by county)
Statute: ORS 166.291
Issuing Authority: County sheriff
Cost: $65 for initial/$50 renewal
Length: 4 years
Terms Of Issuance: Shall issue
Reciprocity: No Out-Of-State Permits: Yes (attorney general permit)
Statute: R.I. Gen. Laws § 11-47-11, 18
Issuing Authority: Attorney general or local authorities including board of police commissioners/chief or superintendent of police, town clerk, etc.
Cost: $40
Length: 4 years Terms Of Issuance: May issue
Reciprocity: No (limited reciprocity extended to those passing through the state without delay, and appears to only apply in their vehicle)
Out-Of-State Permits: Yes
Note: While the attorney general may issue a permit based on a “proper showing of need” under 11-47-18, 11-47-11 provides that local licensing authorities shall issue a permit to a “suitable person” with a “good” or “proper reason” for seeking a license. Non-resident applying for permit must have one issued by another state.
Statute: SC Code § 23-31-215
Issuing Authority: South Carolina Law Enforcement Division
Cost: $50 initial plus up to $5 for fingerprints/$50 renewal
Length: 5 years upon renewal Reciprocity: Yes
Out-Of-State Permits: Only if applicant owns real property (land) in South Carolina
Note: Reciprocity appears only to extend to resident permits
Statute: SDCL § 23-7-7
Issuing Authority: Secretary of state through county sheriff
Cost: $10 regular, $70 Gold Card, $100 Enhanced initial/renewal $10 regular, $70 Gold Card, $50 Enhanced
Length: 5 years Terms Of Issuance: Shall issue
Reciprocity: Yes Out-Of-State Permits: No
Note: The Enhanced permit has additional training requirements and a fingerprint background check; effective January 1, 2017, an intermediate “Gold Card” permit became available with the fingerprint background check but without the training requirement. Both offer greater reciprocity than the standard.
Statute: Tenn. Code § 39-17-1351
Issuing Authority: Tennessee Department of Safety/Highway Patrol
Cost: $100 initial/$50 renewal, $300 initial for lifetime, $200 at renewal to upgrade to lifetime
Length: 8 years or lifetime (with continuing eligibility check every 5 years)
Terms Of Issuance: Shall issue
Reciprocity: Yes Out-Of-State Permits: Yes
Note: Out-of-state permits appear limited to those employed in Tennessee whose home state does not have reciprocity with Tennessee. There are currently three version of Tennessee’s CCW statute; this information is from the one that became effective January 1, 2017.
Statute: Tex. Government Code Sec. § 411.172
Issuing Authority: Department of Public Safety
Cost: $140 initial/$70 renewal, with some possible reductions, including a 50-percent reduction for those over 60 years of age or indigent (falling below the federal poverty guidelines)
Length: First birthday after fourth anniversary of issuance for initial, 5 years for renewal
Terms Of Issuance: Shall issue
Reciprocity: Yes Out-Of-State Permits: Yes
Note: Changes took effect January 1, 2016, that removed the word “concealed” from the handgun statute.
Statute: Utah Code § 53-5-704
Issuing Authority: Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Criminal Identification
Cost: $37 initial ($47 for out of state) which includes fingerprint processing/$15 renewal (all, $15.75 if over Internet)
Length: 5 years Terms Of Issuance: Shall issue
Reciprocity: Yes
Out-Of-State Permits: Yes (nonresident residing in a state that recognizes Utah permit must hold permit in state of residence)
Note: Fees changed effective October 1, 2016.
Statute: VT Stats Title 13 Sec. § 4003
Issuing Authority: No permit required or available
Cost: N/A
Length: N/A
Terms Of Issuance: N/A
Reciprocity: N/A
Out-Of-State Permits: N/A
Note: No permit required for concealed carry.
Statute: Va. Code Ann. § 18.2-308.02
Issuing Authority: Circuit court
Cost: $50 or less, $100 or less for out-of-state initial/renewal
Length: 5 years Terms Of Issuance: Shall issue
Reciprocity: Yes
Out-Of-State Permits: Yes (apply to State Police)
Note: Some fee waiver requirements for retired LE/military personnel change July 1, 2018.
Statute: Wash. Rev. Code (ARCW) § 9.41.070
Issuing Authority: Chief of Police/Sheriff
Cost: $36 initial with possible additional fees/$32 renewal
Length: 5 years Terms Of Issuance: Shall issue
Reciprocity: Yes Out-Of-State Permits: Yes (reciprocity only)
Statute: W. Va. Code § 61-7-4
Issuing Authority: County sheriff
Cost: $75 plus additional $25 fee
Length: 5 years Terms Of Issuance: Shall issue
Reciprocity: Yes Out-Of-State Permits: No
Note: The legislature overrode a veto by the governor to pass a law allowing concealed carry without a permit.
Statute: Wis. Stat. § 175.60
Issuing Authority: Department of Justice
Cost: Less than $37 plus $10 cost of background check initial (currently $40 total)/less than $12 plus $10 cost of background check renewal
Length: 5 years Terms Of Issuance: Shall issue
Reciprocity: Yes Out-Of-State Permits: No
Note: An emergency permit is available.
Statute: Wyo. Stat. § 6-8-104
Issuing Authority: Attorney general though county sheriff
Cost: $64 for initial plus possible other fees/$45 renewal (by statute, both are $50)
Length: 5 years Terms Of Issuance: Shall issue
Reciprocity: Yes
Out-Of-State Permits: Yes (applicant must be licensed in a state that recognizes Wyoming permit)
Note: Though one is available, no permit is required to carry concealed in Wyoming as long as eligibility requirements are met.
All 50 states, plus the District of Columbia, allow some form of concealed carry, but the laws remain as different as the states themselves and change constantly. The following is a general overview of each state’s laws on issuing permits as well as whether they issue permits to non-residents and if they recognize permits from other states. While “reciprocity” is a term of art, here it is used in the more general sense of whether or not they will recognize another state’s permit. The exact terms of the reciprocity they offer are, of course, different for each state. Just because a state recognizes some out-of-state permits doesn’t mean they recognize yours, so you’ll need to check that. Other relevant concealed carry laws you’ll need to know are limits on ammunition or magazine capacity as well as the laws of self-defense for that state. Washington, D.C., for example, prohibits permit holders from carrying any more cartridges than are required to fully load the pistol, and in no event more than 10. Included are links to official sources in each state as well as the citation for their CCW statute to serve as starting points for the additional research you should do to make sure you obey the law.
What follows is not legal advice. For that, you must contact an attorney licensed in that state who specializes in this area of law. This article is not intended to answer all of the questions you need to ask, but to tell you where to look for the answers you need.
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Be aware that concealed carry laws change constantly, and new ones often become effective at unpredictable times. Roughly one-third of all states made some changes in their CCW law during 2016, and some states have multiple versions of their CCW law staged to take effect at different times, some as far in advance as 2021. There’s no guarantee that they won’t change again by the time this gets to press and into your hands. Further complicating things, available information, even when it comes from state agencies, may be conflicting. While the information in this article came from state government sources (including directly from the most recently published statutes), do not rely on this or any other unofficial source. Verify all information prior to traveling, and if you have any doubt at all about carrying, don’t do it.
It’s easy to find people on the Internet who will suggest that you should push the limits and carry in places where it’s illegal. The theory seems to be that it’s easier to get forgiveness than permission, but that’s a foolish approach; all it takes is a traffic stop to get caught. In many states, carrying a weapon carries mandatory jail time and is often a felony. In Rhode Island, for example, it carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison.
Be smart and be safe. Know the law and follow it. If you’re in doubt, don’t. It’s hard to protect your family if you’re in prison. Scroll through the gallery above to learn about state-by-state concealed carry laws for 2017.
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NOTE: This summary is not intended as legal advice or restatement of law and should not be construed as such. This summary also does not include federal or local laws, ordinances, or regulations. Although accurate as of press time, firearm laws are subject to change and court interpretation. For any particular situation, a licensed local attorney must be consulted for an accurate interpretation. YOU MUST ABIDE BY ALL FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL LAWS. For additional information on concealed carry laws and restrictions within specific states, visit the NRA’s website at
This article was originally published in ‘Pocket Pistols’ Spring 2017. To subscribe, visit