Have you been looking for a concealed carry training class but ran into difficulty finding one at a convenient time or location? Maybe you took a class and were disappointed to find it dominated by more advanced, tactically minded students. If so, consider a video training class from Panteao Productions‘Â Make Ready series.
Tatiana Whitlock designed her new training video, Practical Concealed Carry for Women, to be easily accessible and geared toward beginners in the world of concealed carry. The video is about two hours long, but it is broken up into chapters that can be watched in increments. It can be purchased as a DVD or streamed directly onto your computer or mobile app. Imagine watching one chapter at a time while you wait at the doctor’s office or on the train!
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In addition to these advantages, Whitlock caters to a beginner-level audience using clear, easy-to-understand language as she explains the various ins and outs of concealed carry. Her background as an instructor in both armed and unarmed self-defense and as a producer of realistic training aids makes her training techniques both practical and well considered. More advanced students will be interested to hear her opinions on the ideal methods for concealed carry.
Whitlock’s advice on gun and holster selection reflects her preference for pistols carried inside the waistband. Do not look for advice on revolvers, off-body carry or shoulder/ankle/bra holsters (other than their disadvantages). She provides an excellent discussion of the various pros and cons of full-sized versus compact versus subcompact firearms, as well as factors to consider when gun shopping. The section on concealed carry clothing and printing will be of great interest to all women, particularly since it is often missing from other concealed carry classes.
Train At Home

The final sections of the class discuss training exercises that can be performed at home or at a range (if range rules allow). Whitlock stresses the importance of these drills being as lifelike as possible—use your everyday clothes, your regular carry holster and ammunition. Drills that can be practiced at home include drawing a gun from concealment, reloading and clearing malfunctions using dummy rounds. Her advice for dealing with jams is particularly geared toward women, clearly describing how much force must be used to sufficiently clear a malfunction.
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Whitlock also demonstrates techniques for fighting off an attacker at close range (less than 10 feet) and at greater distances. Drawing on her martial-arts background, these techniques are designed to buy the time and freedom of motion needed to draw a firearm. These drills can be practiced at home with a partner or dummy, and they reflect the most likely attack scenario facing women: a surprise grab at close range. This reality-based attitude is both sobering and empowering to practice. The class finishes with special sections dealing with low-light situations and the aftermath of a self-defense incident, including advice on how to talk to police and lawyers after the incident.
Practical Concealed Carry for Women gives clear, well-considered advice that is invaluable for newcomers to concealed carry. Even if you already carry concealed on a regular basis, the drills and scenarios Tatiana Whitlock provides may have you re-thinking some of your practices, all in the comfort of your own home and on your own schedule.
For more information, visit http://www.panteao.com or call 800-381-9752.