Two bad guys are in the hospital after anĀ attempted armed robbery at a cell phone store on Chicago’s South Side late Wednesday morning.
According to ABC 7 Chicago, two men walked into a T-Mobile store in theĀ 2000 block of East 95th St. and pretended to shop for phones before drawing theirĀ guns. Unfortunately for them,Ā one of the store employees had a concealed carry permit and was armed.
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One of the store employees fled to the back to call for help, while the concealed carrierĀ pulled out his own gun and opened fire on the armed robbers. One suspect was shot in the groin and arm, while the other was hit in the abdomen and arm.
Both men fled the store and the armed employee gave chase while giving their description to police on the phone.
The suspects — ages 24 and 35 — Ā turned up at an area hospital and were taken into custody by the authorities. They were then taken to Stroger Hospital where they are listed in serious condition.
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The T-Mobile store manager praised the actions of his armed employee, and of concealed carry in general.
“I think concealed carry is a great opportunity for managers, workers, employees to protect themselves in these cases. And our employee did a great job to protect themselves and the other employee,” said manager Neil Tadros.
[h/t to]
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