Without a doubt, going out with a friend or a group of friends gives you greater protection than when you are out alone. You will appear as less of a target if surrounded by others watching your back, just as you watch theirs. However, not all multi-person outings are beneficial, so be warned. As the night progresses and the drinks flow, some members of your group may separate from the initial pack, join up with men hanging in their own little group and create unwanted problems for everyone. Also, peer pressure from others may cause you to do something or go somewhere you never would have if alone. Always go out with others you trust and know well. Quality, as opposed to quantity, of friends is more important when it comes to watching out for one another during late-night outings.
A loaded purse with all your personal items is not only heavy and bulky, but it can be a prime target for thieves. Some thieves may only want your cash or credit cards, while others may want your identity. Identity theft is on the rise throughout the country, and if you have all your important cards and documents on you, then you greatly increase your chances of being a victim. Instead, opt for a small pocketbook with only your makeup items, your ID and enough cash to get you through the night. Pass on carrying your debit and credit cards, if possible. They can become more of a hassle than a convenience.
More often than not, a night on the town includes drinking alcoholic beverages. Predators, con men and thieves know this fact all too well, and they will use this as a means to take advantage of helpless and unknowing women through the use of drugs. Once a “date rape” drug is ingested, a woman can experience a drowsy or sedated feeling, a relaxation of her muscles, dizziness and short-term amnesia. This gives the opportunity for an attacker to sexually abuse, steal from or even kidnap an unsuspecting victim. To prevent this, always track your drink from its initial source. Watch the bartender make your mixed drink and make sure he gives it directly to you. Never leave your drink unattended and come back to it later. Don’t accept drinks from strangers no matter how suave or sophisticated they may appear. Your safety comes first and someone’s hurt feelings come in at a far second.
Having a few drinks during the night is normal for most people when enjoying themselves at a nightclub or bar. Having so much to drink that it impairs your ability to think straight is just plain dangerous. Becoming visibly intoxicated to people around you makes it much easier for predators to take advantage of your debilitated mental and physical state. It becomes child’s play for a stranger to slip a drug into your drink, distract you and take your belongings or convince you to “go to his place” for a nightcap.Protect yourself from these scenarios by heeding these few rules. Eat before going out. Alcohol is absorbed much faster on an empty stomach. Space out your drinks throughout the night and alternate non-alcoholic drinks with alcoholic ones to limit your overall alcohol intake. Avoid caffeinated or “energy” drinks as they mask the effects of alcohol and may make you drink more than you normally would.
The odds of finding Mr. Right at a nightclub are rather slim. More often than not, many men are looking to “hook-up” for the night and are not looking for a long-term relationship. This can get you into very serious trouble. First, you should never leave the club with a stranger, no matter how nice or sincere he may seem. You really know nothing about the man, his life or his mentality. Do not put yourself at risk for what may feel right at that particular time. Do not accept a ride home if he offers. You don’t want him knowing where you live and, worst of all, you may never make it home at all if he has twisted alternative plans for you. If you do sense a possible connection, exchange phone numbers only. If he calls, great for you. If not, you made the right decision about his true intentions.
Sometimes things just don’t go as planned. Knowing this, you need to plan for the unexpected. Perhaps your designated driver left with someone from the club, or maybe your purse and wallet were lost or stolen while you partied. You need to get home and get home safely. Always carry spare cash in your shoe, bra or waistband. Keep it wrapped in a paper with listings for trusted taxi companies in the area. Know exactly where your intended destination is located in town and never accept help from partygoers who want to give you a ride home or try to walk with you to find a phone or a cab. If you fail to prepare ahead of time for unforeseen circumstances, your night out might end up going from bad to extremely worse.
Going out on the town doesn’t mean letting all your common sense go out the window. You can have fun and be responsible at the same time. Always remember a few points. First, trust your instincts. If something doesn’t feel right, listen to your little voice inside and avoid the situation. Your heart can lead you astray, but your gut will tell you the real truth. Second, go out knowing that some people’s primary goal is to harm or hurt you. Convince yourself of this and plan ahead accordingly. Enjoy your night on the town, and be safe!
It’s Friday night. It’s been a very long week. Now it’s time to let off a little steam, relieve some stress and have a carefree night out on the town. But as you get ready to go out, others are getting ready to hit the clubs tonight, too. But their agenda is quite different from yours. They have no desire to hit the dance floor, no interest in the drink specials of the night and they could care less about the music the D.J. is playing. What they are solely focusing on this Friday or Saturday night is you.
These predators know exactly what they are looking for—women having a bit too much to drink, those separated from their initial group and those appearing innocent enough to fall for exaggerated compliments and attention. But you don’t let these scary scenarios ruin your evening out. All it takes to combat these nightlife predators is some smart pre-party planning, good common sense and a focused mindset that you won’t be someone’s next victim.