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AGI Announces New Certified Glocksmith Course

American Gunsmithing Institute (AGI) has announced the release of their new DVD-based Certified Glocksmith Course, which teaches students how to modify a Glock into a custom-carry gun via step-by-step, detailed instruction.

According to the press release, the AGI Certified Glocksmith Course includes Complete Disassembly & Reassembly, the Glock Armorer’s Course, Volumes 1 & 2 of Building the Custom Glock and special bonus footage of a recorded live classroom session with Master Gunsmith Gene Shuey. In the footage, Shuey teaches students how to quickly perform a trigger job and still get great results using existing parts. This action will save thousands of dollars over time for Glocksmiths and students alike.

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The Certified Glocksmith Course features over 17 hours of video instruction. The press release states that with a complete set of professional class notes on the Glock pistol, including close-ups and lists of sources. If you’re looking to build a custom Glock, this course is a must. It includes testing, a Certified Glocksmith certificate, and the AGI Certified Glocksmith Patch. MSRP is $1,297 plus shipping and handling.

AGI Certified Glocksmith Course Includes:

* The Complete Disassembly & Reassembly (D&R)
* The Glock Armorers Course
* Volumes 1 & 2 of Building The Custom Glock
* Bonus footage – Recorded live in the classroom with Gene Shuey on how to do a professional Glock trigger job fast and still get safe premium results using existing parts. (this will save you and your customers thousands of dollars over time).
* Complete set of professional class notes
* Online test access and certification and (upon successful completion of the online test) a Certified Glocksmith patch.

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For more information about the new AGI Certified Glocksmith Course, and the full range of products currently offered by AGI, please visit