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Todd Jarrett Single Stack .40

According to Webster’s dictionary, the word “champion” means “a person who has defeated all opponents in a competition or series of competitions, so as to hold first place.” While the word “champion” is bandied about quite a bit today, in the action-shooting sports world, there are only a few true champions, and one of them is Todd Jarrett. Jarrett began shooting competitively in 1983 and has become a dominant force in practical shooting in the United States. He currently holds four world titles and nine national titles, and he has won over 100 area and regional championships as well as countless other action-shooting events. Jarrett is the world’s only USPSA Triple Crown winner, and he holds USPSA national titles in four divisions: Open, Limited, Production and Limited-10. He is also sought after as a firearms instructor by military, law enforcement and competitive shooters around the world. His proven expertise in firearm manipulation and shooting technique has enhanced the skills of countless individuals and agencies. Jarrett’s involvement in the firearms industry has led to the development of many new products that have proven invaluable to competitive shooters, military and law enforcement. More recently, he created his own company, Strike Force Manufacturing, which offers custom-built firearms, accessories and training courses for competitive shooters, law enforcement and military personnel. To my mind, Jarrett’s many accomplishments justify his being called a “champion.” Don’t you agree?

Jeff Abernathy at Abernathy Precision Gun Works has worked closely with Jarrett for a number of years. Jarrett asked him to build a .40-caliber 1911 pistol that he could use to compete with in the 2010 Single Stack Nationals. Abernathy finished the pistol shortly before the match, giving Jarrett only four days to practice with it. In those four days, he ran through 1,500-plus rounds without experiencing a single malfunction. He went on to finish fourth overall at the match. Jarrett used the same pistol in 2011, again taking fourth, and in 2012, when he placed third. Abernathy and I often compete at local USPSA matches, and after one such competition, he mentioned that he had Jarrett’s .40-caliber single-stack 1911. I expressed interest in seeing the pistol, whereupon Abernathy asked me if I’d like to shoot it. At first I assumed he meant at the range near his shop, but then he added, “You can keep it as long as you



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American Frontiersman