Moms Demand Action’s Shannon Watts keeps on slinging arrows at gun owners everywhere. The latest Shannon Watts tweet hit like an artillery round, throwing shade at anyone and everyone who believes folks should be able to defend themselves. And she’s using the case of a Ft. Worth, Texas minor as her ammunition.
Shannon Watts Tweet Angers Gun Owners
The fatal incident began when three armed, masked men broke into a Texas residence. The men forced their way inside, where a woman and three children, ages 12 and 17 were inside, reported the star-telegram. That’s when one of the 17-year-old teens grabbed a shotgun and fired “several times.”
The teen’s shots apparently found their mark, killing two of the armed suspects. A third man ran from the scene, speeding away in a car, reported the star-telegram.
Many in the 2A community immediately championed the teen for fighting back. For most us, this scenario completely epitomizes the very essence of the 2nd Amendment. We all have a right to defend our life and our loved ones. We maintain the right to fight back. But our political adversaries continuing spewing nonsense to the contrary.
Case in point: Shannon Watts. For most pro-2A folks, Watts in no stranger. She continues her loud, vocal onslaught against all gun rights. Her tired, go-to message remains throwing the NRA under the bus. This time she, she said the NRA helped “arm” the criminals that actually broke the law and caused avoidable loss of life.
That the NRA is celebrating a CHILD being forced to shoot and kill the two intruders their organization helped arm is fucking sick.
— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) September 10, 2022
Her profane attack becomes just the latest, unhinged verbal assault. She doesn’t like guns. She doesn’t want you to have guns. So when anyone lawfully, admirably uses guns for the self-defense of the law-abiding, she lowers herself to the default, anti-gun retort–she yells loudly.
This time, the gun community took to Twitter, blasting Watts for her ridiculous message. The pro-gun support continues to pour in.
It's telling that you don't place the blame where it actually lies – with the 2 armed criminals. You'd rather we be unable to defend ourselves from such criminals, knowing full well that criminals don't follow laws and would then be the only ones armed.
— All Gun Laws Are Illegal Infringements (@FittyCalDeagle) September 12, 2022