The Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute (SAAMI) recently announced the recognition of three new factory loadings. The 277 SIG Fury, 6.5 Weatherby Rebated Precision Magnum and 6.8 Western now all gain standardization from SAAMI.
277 SIG Fury, 6.5 WRPM, 6.8 Western Gain SAAMI Acceptance
We first saw the 277 SIG Fury late last year. Unveiled with the SIG Cross bolt-action rifle, the 277 SIG Fury comes as SIG’s response to crafting a submission for the Army NGSW program.
The 277 SIG Fury delivers a maximum average pressure of 80,000 psi. This added pressure will drive a 135-grain bullet from SIG’s Hybrid Match cartridge 3,000 fps from a 16-inch barrel, and produce 2,694 ft.-lbs. of energy. The 135-grain bullet has a respectable .488 G1 BC.
Meanwhile, SIG’s 277 Fury Hybrid Hunting load features a 140-grain bullet with a .508 G1 BC, launching from a 16-inch barrel at 2,950 fps. That one produces 2,706 ft.-lbs. of muzzle energy, too.

Also on the list is the 6.5 Weatherby Rebated Precision Magnum developed by Weatherby, of course. It generates a maximum average pressure of 65,000 psi. It’s 140grain bullet runs to a velocity of 3,075 fps.
Finally, developed by Olin Winchester, the 6.8 Western features a maximum average pressure of 65,000 psi. A bigger thumper for hunting, it launches a 175-grain bullet at 2,840 fps.
Interestingly, the three new cartridges signal a growing trend in the firearms industry. High-performance rifle cartridges continue to drive the market. From long-range hunting to the explosive growth in long-range shooting and competition, companies continue to develop new loads, calibers and bullet technologies to meet that demand. For more info, please visit