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VIDEO: La Crosse Police Officer Takes One in the Vest During Shootout

A domestic disturbance call turned chaotic and violent recently, erupting in a close-range gun fight in Wisconsin. In the end, a La Crosse Police Officer took a round in the vest before shooting the suspect and stopping the threat.

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La Crosse Police Officer Takes Fire

Officer body cam footage captured the shootout, which came fast and furious. The incident began when the officer approached 34-year-old Allen C. Kruk. The disturbance occurred at a home belonging Kruk’s ex-wife, according to When the officer approached Kruk and attempted to speak to him, the suspect immediately withdrew into the home. The officer pursued Kruk, who quickly pulled a gun.

Footage shows the scene explode into a gun fight. The officer sees the gun, struggles with the suspect, then backs away to create distance. “Gun, gun, gun,” he yells. He then fires a couple of rounds as he backs away to the corner of an adjacent building. A few seconds later he advances again, firing more rounds at the suspect as the target becomes available in his view. The suspect returns fire, and it’s here where the officer retreats again, apparently hit by a round. He then retreats further behind the opposite corner of the adjacent building.

“I’m hit, I’m hit, in the vest,” the officer yells into his radio. The officer then performs a reload before radioing once more. “I’ve been hit, I’m in the vest, I believe I’m alright. He’s inside. There are children in the house. I am setting up a perimeter to the south, in the red building, red building, southeast corner.”

The officer took one round to the chest, the round impacting his ballistic vest. Meanwhile, the suspect received multiple gunshot wounds. The officer received treatment and was released from a local hospital, according to


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