A friendly drum line competition between the III Marine Expeditionary Force (III MEF) Band and the Republic of Korea (ROK) Army Band has gone viral this week.
The video recently reach more than 2.5 million views on YouTube.
According to Marine Corps Times:
Members of the Japan-based III Marine Expeditionary Force band recently faced off against the Republic of Korea Army Band in a drum battle captured in a now-viral YouTube video. The video was posted Oct. 9 by Sgt. Benito Hijar, who is identified on Facebook as a trombonist with III MEF’s band. It shows the two bands’ drum sections during some down time in the parking lot of the 2014 Gyeryong Military Culture Festival, held Sept. 26 to Oct. 6 in South Korea.
At the end, Staff Sgt. James Holt, III MEF’s drum major, declares a tie after a vote from the onlooking crowd.