When Stag Arms came on the scene in 2003, the company’s president (a lefty himself) made sure left-handed AR-15s were on offer. That pricked up many southpaws’ ears. Stag Arms soon earned a reputation for making ARs that could be trusted, especially among “other handed” folks. Now the company has done it again with its Model 8T, a mil-spec, piston-driven AR featuring Diamondhead accessories. Author Richard Mann tells, “Stag Arms has replaced the Model 8’s conventional, military-style, plastic handguard with a 10-inch Diamondhead VRS ‘T’ free-floating handguard. This is one of the most, if not the most, comfortable AR handguards I have ever gripped.” As for the Diamondhead Diamond sights, he says, “Once we were all properly introduced, getting hits from the off-hand position on my Action Target steel torso target was easy enough out to 175 yards.” With 150 rounds downrange, Mann’s Model 8T test-gun produced some solid results on paper. To find out more, check out the 2014 issue of Black Guns, available on newsstands and digitally on July 23, 2013. To subscribe, go to www.tactical-life.com/subscribe.