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Motorcycle Artist Adam Croft and Kustom Culture

Deep in the cornfields of the heartland lives Adam Croft. Known as the “High Class Honkey”, Adam is a master craftsman with cowhide in the Kustom Kulture world of motorcycle art. His hand-tooled leather makes die-hard bikers proud and non-riders green with envy. Adam is a father, a unique motorcycle artist and a businessman. At the end of the day, it’s all about being the best man he can be and having good times with good-hearted people. 

When did you start working with leather and who schooled you up?

Adam Croft: I am self-taught. I wanted in the Kustom Kulture world — it’s in my spirit. This trade chose me, honestly, kinda like Ray in “Field of Dreams.” I found an article in the “Horse Backstreet Choppers Magazine,” featuring Paul Cox and TBear, and that was my chopper bible, along with getting tips here and there from other artists. Somehow, my mind or spirit gets into a creative, brainstorming art competition with itself. I take the chosen imagined blueprints to create in the physical world. It’s important that my clients have the best, therefore I’m constantly learning.

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How much time goes into prepping the leather for the seats?

A: Hour and hours. My reputation as a master craftsman and motorcycle artist is always being challenged. Customers thankfully pay me a lot of money to live my dreams. I create handFNmade seats for their dream motorcycles.

Motorcycle artist Adam Craft has spent a lifetime perfecting his art.

Your hand-tooled artwork is some of the best we have ever seen. Talk to us about the process.

A: I always get a basic idea and start sketching art. Through all the scribbling and sketching of my kick-ass thoughts, motorcycle art is created. Next, I transfer the art onto the leather. With a swivel knife, I carve the artwork. I also use my hands, bevellers and a hammer. Artists such as Indian Larry, Gil Elvgren, “Big Daddy” Ed Roth, Kenny Howard (a.k.a. “Von Dutch”) have created the kinda art that fuels my fire to do my very best with each handFNmade Kustom Seat.

What’s the average price range of an Adam Croft Kustom Chopper Seat?

A: The average cost of one of my Kustom Seats is usually around $1000. Seats can go from $500 to $5000, but It’s all about what the client wants. Sometimes there are budgets, and sometimes clients want a top-shelf-quality piece. At that stage, I tap into my creative energy and the customer is stunned with overwhelming satisfaction. It’s a feeling that I cherish.

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A few of his seats he's created using hand-tooled leather.

What other leather goods do your produce?

A: There are two styles of handFNmade leather chopper seats that start at $350, with options of hand-tooled art for additional costs. These seats fit traditional Harley Davidson hardtail frames and most Kustom hardtail frames.

The Love Cuffs that feature my “Flying High” logo are hot and everlasting at $25. These are 100% genuine leather and handFNmade — all my work is handmade. 

What is it about bike culture from the 70’s that appeals to you?

A: I get inspiration from the backroads of America… the shovelheads and muscle cars. The music takes me home, cruising the town with my brothers, family road trips, going to the lake, and huge parties in the woods … that was the shit. My heroes were the Bandit, Snowman, Jimmie “J.J.” Walker, Ric Flair, Bo and Luke Duke, Evel Knievel and my dream girl, Daisy Duke — a superstar lineup for good times for this honkey motorcycle artist.

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Is this a skillset you plan on handing down to your kids?

Adam Croft: Yes, I want all my children to flourish in art in their own way. The Croft Crue fill up my shop often, and I love it. My children are motivated to learn, and I am truly blessed and grateful.

Instagram: @therealadamcroft