Instead of letting someone feed us an “unbiased” paid opinion on a product, let’s cut out the middleman. We want to hear it directly from the horse’s mouth. Here at Skillset, we’ve created a hot seat for the firearms salesmen. Let’s all sit back, cross our arms with a disapproving smirk and hear why Grey Ghost Precision deserves our hard-earned money.
Skillset Staff: Our readers’ time is precious. Please state your name and whom you represent.
GW Ayers III: GW Ayers III, Vice President, Grey Ghost Precision (GGP).

Sounds fancy. What does Grey Ghost Precision sell?
GW Ayers III: We have precision rifles in .308, 5.56mm, .300 Blackout. The 6.5 Creedmore will be appearing on the market in a few months. Our .300 Blackout bolt gun debuted at the 2016 NRA show in Louisville, KY. All of our designs are purpose-driven and user-validated. Our first offering went through many design changes and was validated by several U.S. Special Forces shooting instructors before it went into harm’s way and was used to great effect against the enemy.

Any interesting stories from that deployment?
GW Ayers III: The rifle was fought over by everyone on the team as the mission set was developed. That’s impressive, as the weapons these guys had at their disposal are prestigious and have a great reputation. The rifle took down targets at ranges over 800 meters. Interestingly, the terrorists nicknamed this rifle the “barking dog.” Bad things happened to his pals an instant before the distinct rapping of the weapon was heard.
So, basically, GGP offers one of everything. Hit me with some quick features of your ARs.
GW Ayers III: Well, there are many, but the condensed version is: billet upper and lower, medium tapered barrel profiles, ambidextrous controls for all major functions of the rifle, black nitride coating on the entire gun, including the BCG and the barrel (this coating is tough and handsome, kind of like me); upgraded features include Magpul furniture, Lantac Dragon Brake, Bad-Cass Safety AMBI Selector Switch and the Slidelock Ambi Charging Handle. And the 4.5 lb. trigger from Mega Arms is deceivingly light.

Did you mention a .300 blackout bolt gun? Why?
GW Ayers III: Indeed, why. Our gas gun in .300 Blackout shoots under 1 inch at 100 yards. Why fool around with getting a bolt gun designed to mimic the same performance? I had the same question. Then I found out from Brian Bishop—our design partner on the Dagger—that some parts of this great country of ours restrict you from hunting with an AR platform. There are thousands of people out there who would love to have a backpackable, big game gun chambered in the caliber that is among the quietest when suppressed. When put on a folding stock, this 16-inch-barreled gun will stash in a backpack on the way to your deer stand or when operating in a non-permissive environment. Low profile, that’s the ticket.
How long have you worked for GGP, and what’s your background?
GW Ayers III: I have been with our bigger brother company, Tactical Tailor, for 10 years, and I have been with Grey Ghost Gear and Grey Ghost Precision since the beginning. It is very rewarding to see something we have worked very hard on together start to catch fire and grow. I was a soldier for 22 years; nothing special, just a soldier. Back in ’04/’05, I deployed with my Stryker Brigade to Northern Iraq. I loved that job as much as I love the one I currently have and was fortunate to be part of the defense of our country.
A veteran, huh? Integrity and discipline goes far with us. OK, you just moved up the list. How much will I spend if we decide to purchase?
GW Ayers III: All of your money! All kidding aside, the price range for our complete rifles range from $2,000.00 to $2,500.00, depending on the caliber chosen. These rifles are ready to go. Just add optics and boogie.
Bourbon or scotch?
GW Ayers III: Both, depending on my mood. I like it on the rocks. Additionally, I like a good cigar to accompany my libation.
Look, I’m not going to sugarcoat this. There are hundreds of rifle manufacturers out there. Why should I buy from you?
GW Ayers III: That is the most honest question we can answer. GGP makes some of the nicest, best shooting weapons I have been around. Just holding the rifle gives you a visceral feeling. It’s an experience, as well as a tool for life preservation or sport. We are fortunate to have a small staff of true believers who are white-hot focused on bringing quality and performance to a space that has seen some challenges lately. All three of our companies have a soul, and we are unwilling to compromise our ethics and customer focus for profit. Of course, we have to make some money to stay open, but we do not compromise our principles; the customer is too important. Life is short, and making the most of it is a priority for everyone on our team. We are in it for the long haul. The ride will be fun.

You’ve piqued our interest, Mr. Ayers. Where do we go to learn more?
GW Ayers III: Mister? That’s what they called my grandfather. I am widely known as G-Dub. You can learn more from Additionally, you can see what gear we have to offer at tacticaltailor.comand
You are dismissed.
GW Ayers III: Just in time for lunch!
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