Everyone loves an explosion. So, when the Tannerite targets were set out after breaking for lunch each day during Athlon Outdoor Rendezvous, everyone hustled to their next station to contribute to the ensuing cacophony of booms. Tannerite Reactive Targets deliver some serious range fun!
After mixing the powders in the canister, give it a good shake and set up the target at a safe distance. The impact of a high-velocity round will set off the charge, resulting in a loud boom and smoke. (tannerite.com)

Tannerite Reactive Target Mixing Instructions
- Pour the white granular contents of the target container into the mixing container.
- Add prepackaged catalyst (*see below) to mixer jar –
- Be sure to use the correct catalyst packet with your target.
1/4-Pound Targets:
- 1 silver catalyst packet = 2 targets
- Place the white granular contents from two target jars into the mixing container. Add one silver catalyst packet. Mix well and divide back into the two target jars.
1/2-Pound Targets
- 1 silver catalyst packet = 1 target
1-Pound Targets
- 1 red catalyst packet = 1 target
Shake It
- Shake for 30 seconds or until the grey catalyst has evenly coated the white
Shoot It!
- Pour the mixed composition into the original target container
- Place target a minimum of 100 yards downrange, clear of any debris, including dry grass/brush or potential hard objects
- Ensure shooters and all spectators have eye and ear protection at all times
- Shoot for the center of the Tannerite logo bullseye