Unfortunately, there are numerous people out there who want to take what’s yours. Some of the slimiest of those are pickpockets. These guys or girls make a living out of snatching valuables directly off your body without you noticing. Well, that stops now! Using the tips below, you can thwart these professional thieves and ensure they leave your presence empty-handed.
Avoid Pickpockets by Being Aware at All Times
It should go without saying that a person needs to always be aware of their surroundings. Not only for pickpockets but for any potential trouble. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, and people often make themselves an easy target.
Pickpockets scout out their targets, looking for anyone confused, lost, overwhelmed, carrying multiple things awkwardly, or exposing their valuables for all to see. Easy prey catches the predator’s eye, and it’s game on.
To counter this, a person needs to practice situational awareness. This means scanning their area as they walk, walking confidently with their head high, and keeping all valuables secure and hidden on their person (more on this later).
The less you look like a victim, the greater the chance the pickpocket will move on to an easier target.
Location, Location, Location
A pickpocket can only snag items or cash that are easily accessible. However, regrettably, a lot of people don’t take precautions to “fortify” their valuables. As a result, when given an opportunity like this, a pickpocket will take your stuff.
An unzipped purse, a partially exposed wallet, or electronics in flimsy cases or tucked in an exterior backpack compartment are easy pickings. It’s your job to make snatching your items difficult for a professional.
For example, store your wallet in your front pocket. Likewise, never leave items where you can’t see or feel them. Finally, never have your purse open and easily accessible.
Additionally, if carrying large amounts of cash, store them in multiple places on your body. This way, if you do fall victim, the thief won’t get everything you have.
Wear the Right Gear
Bags and packs are like candy to a pickpocket. Often, people put their wallets or other valuables zipped up inside their bags/packs and think they are safe. They are not.
First, the bag is usually out of the carrier’s line of sight—backpacks are slung over two shoulders, and other bags are over one shoulder. It doesn’t take much for a professional pickpocket to “bump” the victim, unzip the pocket, and steal what’s inside.
They are so good at their “job” that some people may not even feel or notice that anything was stolen until much later when the pickpocket is far from the scene.
If you can’t do without your backpack, then opt for a pickpocket-proof version. These offer zippers that face the wearer’s back with no access to sticky fingers.
If you don’t go this route, then be sure to rotate the pack to the front of your body and “hug” it when in crowds. This way, you are always in control of your bag/pack and its contents.
Avoid Crowds and Pinch Points

When at all possible, don’t let yourself get sucked into a crowded area. Stay on the perimeter of the event, crowded street, or tight club or bar. Likewise, allow some space between yourself and others.
Compact crowds are a pickpocket’s hunting ground. They can target you, bump you (you probably wouldn’t notice with everyone else bumping you, too), and be long gone in an instant.
Pinch points are areas such as walkways, stairways, or anywhere foot traffic slows in a confined area. These pinch points allow a pickpocket to snatch and grab quickly and then flee as the traffic starts to flow again. Not to mention, many pickpockets know how to move through a stalled crowd and disappear.
Gear To Thwart Pickpockets
As mentioned, backpacks with inaccessible zippers are one way to thwart a pickpocket. But there are other means to further protect your valuables.

Money belts worn under clothing are nearly undetectable and almost impossible to pick. They should be used for large bills, important credit cards, and personal papers that you cannot afford to lose. Smaller bills and cards used for small purchases can still reside within your wallet. But you still want to keep your wallet in your front pocket, not your back.
Other protective measures include pouches that hang under your clothing and around your neck. Likewise, there are caps and hats with secret compartments to store bills or credit cards.

A good resource for clandestine apparel is Wazoo Gear.
Common Sense Is the Key
There is a fine line between being cautious and paranoid. However, by taking preventive measures—like carrying pick-resistant gear and wearing clothing that doesn’t invite a thief—you’ll be just fine.
Add situational awareness to all of this, and you will not appear like a helpless victim. As a result, would-be pickpockets will look elsewhere for a more unprepared target.