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The Handgun Emergency Reload

To be a well-rounded shooter, you must possess a variety of skills. While you can be a fantastic shooter, that is only part of the equation. This is especially true in the defensive handgun world. You are potentially just a bullet sponge if you don’t have good manipulation skills. While there are several core skills, you should know one in particular: executing an emergency handgun reload.

The emergency reload needs to happen quickly.

Emergency Handgun Reload – Get Back in the Fight

This reload is also called the slide lock reload, but the term emergency gives it the gravity it deserves. If you are in a bad situation and firing your handgun, an empty magazine is an emergency. We must reload the gun and get back in the fight as quickly as possible. Mastering the emergency handgun reload can make a significant difference.

The indication that we have an empty magazine is that the slide will lock to the rear while shooting. When this happens, slightly tilt the gun up and inspect the chamber to be sure. At times, we can have malfunctions that look a bit like an empty mag slide lock. This is where practicing that emergency reload becomes crucial.

The first thing we need to do is bring the gun into my workspace. This is the area right in front of your chest. Turn the gun slightly and maintain your downrange awareness.  Now we need a fresh magazine to perform the emergency reload.

Carry and Extra Magazine

With your support hand, reach and grab your extra magazine. When you do this, put the palm of your hand onto the base of the mag as you pull it out. This will allow the remainder of your hand to grasp the body of the magazine. We want as much of our hand on the magazine as possible. This will be a stressful situation, and we don’t want to fumble with our magazine. Performing an emergency handgun reload efficiently requires this precision.

Index the first round in the magazine.

We also want to use our index finger and place it on the top round in the magazine. This allows me to confirm that there is, indeed, ammo in the magazine. I will also gently push down with my finger to feel the resistance. If the mag is tight, I know it is full. If it is spongy, I need to note that it is possibly a partially full magazine. These details matter especially during an emergency reload.

Emergency Reload: One Mag Out – One Mag In

I bring the magazine toward the magazine well while simultaneously pressing the mag release button. The empty mag should fall free. If not, use a finger to hook it out. Now, we will index the new mag onto the magazine well and insert it. You should seat it in one firm, smooth motion. If done correctly, there will be no need for follow-up tapping of the base of the magazine. In short, don’t spank your magazines.

Seat the mag into the gun firmly.

Now the mag is seated, roll your support side hand up and onto the rear of the slide. Grasp it firmly with as much hand as possible. Now, firmly rack the slide to the rear as you push forward on the grip. Once the slide hits the most rearward position, let your hand come off and continue to move towards your shoulder. This is a way we can never forget not to let that hand ride the slide forward. Letting your hand stay on the slide as it goes forward can cause a malfunction and complicate an emergency handgun reload.

Practice Makes Permanent

The gun is now reloaded, and you are ready to get back into the fight. Mastering the emergency handgun reload is a crucial skill for survival. I encourage you to practice this drill safely. It is truly one that can save your life.

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