With hunting seasons opening across the county, Leupold just dropped another video sure to get you in the rut. Leupold’s “Straight and Narrow,” the latest Project Hunt film, is now playing on YouTube.
Leupold’s ‘Straight and Narrow’ Now Playing
When life hits hard, you hit back harder. “Straight and Narrow” shares the story of 2023 Project Hunt winner Cody Austin as he embarks on a once-in-a-lifetime backcountry elk hunt with his dad after coming to terms with a life-changing medical diagnosis. Facing an uncertain future, Cody chose to seize the moment and cash in his elk points for an unforgettable adventure in the wilds of Wyoming. Witness his relentless spirit in this latest addition to the Project Hunt series.
“Stories like Cody’s are exactly why we launched the Project Hunt campaign,” said Bruce Pettet, President and Chief Executive Officer of Leupold & Stevens, Inc. “His resilience, his refusal to give up, and his incredible passion for the outdoors embody what it means to be relentless. We’re proud to have the opportunity to share his story.”

Leupold’s Project Hunt, presented by GOHUNT, gives passionate Leupold Core members the chance to feature in a Leupold film or digital series. Each year, Leupold accepts applications, with winning entrants receiving a professional videographer to capture their entire hunt. Winners also receive a complete Leupold Optics kit and a GOHUNT Insider Membership.
Hunters tell they’re story–where and what they hunt–and what makes that story unique, to enter. The application process also requires a 2-minute video explaining their submission. Find the complete list of contest rules at Leupold.com/ProjectHunt.
The application period for the next round of Project Hunt will open in Spring 2025. Watch “Straight and Narrow” now, on Leupold’s YouTube Channel. For more information on Leupold products, please visit us at Leupold.com.