Although instantly you might say, “That would never happen to me,” when referring to being abducted and held against your will, it can and does happen daily. One minute, you may be walking down the street; the next, you may be scooped up in a van, have your arms and legs bound, and your mouth taped shut. In such situations, knowing some escape tips can be crucial.Â
Yes, this scenario is both brutal and extremely possible no matter where you live, work, or go to school. But just because you become a victim initially, it doesn’t mean you have to stay their captive. With some of the tips below, you can use your smarts and some basic tools and items to escape your abductors. They’ll be scratching their heads in confusion as you flee to safety.
Escape Tips and Awareness
Naturally, the best way to not be in a situation where you are tied by an abductor is not to be taken in the first place. Yes, this should be quite obvious, but many people on a regular basis are not in-tune with their surroundings. They are either hypnotized on their cellphones (though a modern technological marvel, they make an abductor’s job so easy), or they are scrambling to complete their daily schedule, oblivious to who or what is around them.
Not noticing a strange vehicle following them or parked on their travel route, being unaware of someone walking them for long stretches, or not questioning why a stranger is taking an interest in them are all red flags that something is not right. Sure, the outcome of these scenarios may be innocent or misinterpreted, but a possible victim needs to err on the side of caution rather than possibly hurting someone else’s feelings.
Being cautious is not being paranoid. Remember that. When your natural instincts tell you something is wrong, heed the warning. Your brain can logically convince you otherwise, as can your heart with empathy and misplaced sympathies. Ignore both of these and utilize your sixth sense to avoid danger and, ultimately, worse.

Unlocking the Cuffs
Now, no amount of awareness is foolproof, and even if you do everything correctly, you may be taken and secured by bad people. If they happen to use handcuffs to control your hands and feet, then you may be in luck if you carry a “magical” item, which is a universal handcuff key. It may be hard to believe that over ninety percent of all handcuffs use a one-size-fits-all key to unlock the cuffs. Escape tips are great to know, but sometimes, the right tool is your best bet.
This is for ease of movement and control of criminals throughout different law enforcement agencies. It saves time if all police-involved can release a perpetrator during the many stages of the arrest. The handcuff key is simple in design and is relatively compact, which is also very good for you. On the market today, there are many such keys for purchase. These can be found in metal, plastic, or heavy-duty polymer forms and can be ingeniously hidden on your belt, as part of a tool, or integrated into a thick pen.
It’s best to carry it on or in anything that holds little value (both monetarily and sentimental) so it won’t be instantly removed from your person when abducted. This key can unlock your cuffs and allow you to flee the scene fast.

Duct Tape Has its Flaws
Probably the number one accessory for an abductor is duct tape. With its signature grey color and reputation for being ultra-tough, this ubiquitous staple is easy to find, cheap to buy, and used to bind the hands of an unexpected victim. For those who have used duct tape, you know it’s extremely difficult to break. Just a few rotations around a person’s wrists, and it would seem game over for them to ever escape their bindingsâĤbut they would be wrong.
First, most kidnappers would probably not bind a victim’s hands behind their back. They need to lead the captive in and out of places, and pulling their bound hands is far easier than trying to push them along. With this advantage for the victim, they can break the tape if they understand the angles. Duct tape is weak when torn, and the captive must exploit this. If your hands are bound, raise them up and quickly bring them down to your sides as if slapping your own hips. The quickness of your movement, plus the proper angle, will produce the needed result.
For ankles bound, position your feet in a V-shape and quickly (and I do mean rapidly) squat down to break your bindings. Additionally, if you can secure anything sharp while in captivity, you can easily cut through duct tape. Remember, using brute strength to muscle your way to freedom won’t work. It will only tire you out, possibly making the bindings tighter and more painful. Instead, use your smarts, and you’ll succeed.
Body Manipulation for Escape
Being essentially taken against your will and tied up is a traumatizing event, without a doubt. However, if you can remember to “puff up” when being tied, you may be able to escape from your bindings far easier than you may think. Harry Houdini, the master escape artist, often used this trick when he was bound.
The secret is to flex your muscles and take a deep breath when being secured with rope or other cordage. Once you exhale and relax all your muscles, a small space between you and the rope will be created. Unbeknownst to your captors, this may very well allow you to escape and seek help.

How to Escape Zip Ties
Running a close second for most used bindings by an abductor are zip ties. Once secured, These plastic strips are very difficult to break with raw strength, so you won’t go this route. Instead, you have several options. First, a simple tool, like a paper clip or piece of rigid wire, can be used to “unlock” the clip mechanism on the zip tie and cause it to release its grip on you.
A paperclip would be easily overlooked if your captors searched you, and you could carry several items on your body. Another way would be to use friction to essentially burn through them. You would first tie your shoelaces from both shoes together so your feet are “connected,” with the zip tie firmly pressing against the taunt laces. Then, using a back-and-forth motion with your legs, the shoestring will create friction on the zip tie and burn through it, freeing you in the process.
Never Give Up
Many of the escape tips mentioned can be done by anyone, regardless of age, gender, or body type. The key is never to give up hope and stop fighting until you are free and safe. No escape “trick” will always work or be viable in your situation. The more options you know, the better your chances to turn the tables on your captors. With you long gone, they will only be left with the scraps of evidence of your ingenious escape.