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Moonshine – The Spirit of America

There is an injustice in this land—an injustice that has burdened us since the early days of 1791 when the government saw a way to generate revenue. We still suffer from the same tactic today. This revenue source would be a whiskey tax imposed on any liquor made in the country. It also led to the evolution of Moonshine. This was the first tax imposed on a domestic product by the newly formed federal government and was intended to generate revenue for the debt incurred during the Revolutionary War.

Mooshine - The Spirit of America

The Whiskey Rebelion

As you can imagine, this was not well received and for the next three years, distillers held off the tax collectors by less-than-legal means. This outright defiance eventually spurred the government to send a U.S. Marshal to Pennsylvania to collect the taxes owed. The residents took it poorly, and they rose up. Over 500 men attacked the area’s tax inspector general’s home. The conflict stirred a protest of nearly 6,000 people, and troops poured in to stop it. In the end, the protest ended before troops could arrive and a few years later the “whiskey tax” was repealed. Or was it?

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A Tax Gold Mine

Today the ATF—yes, that ATF—regulates alcohol manufacturing and sales. While some states allow it, the personal production of spirits is still generally against federal law. Like the original restrictions on whiskey production, this modern version is based on a tax. To the average person, this is head-scratching because countless people home-brew beer and wine with no restrictions. Spirits, though, remain a highly taxed item, and the government wants their cut. They are certain to have a litany of safety and consumer protection mantras, but it really comes down to money. Taxes range from $1.07 to $3.40 depending on alcohol content. The federal government collects about $1 billion per month from excise alcohol taxes on spirits, beer, and wine. The taxes on spirits are much higher than those on beer or wine. Therefore, well over half of that tax money comes from spirits consumers.

Made is hidden locations.

Defiante America

We all know the government never met a tax they did not love. To many, this is a direct challenge to the American individual spirit and our desire to do pretty much whatever we want. It is that spirit that has driven the DIY booze business for over 230 years. The product of this ingenuity is moonshine. The term “moonshine” comes from distilling illegal spirits under the light of the moon. In every part of America, early moonshiners worked their stills at night to avoid detection from authorities. In more technical terms, it is a homemade, unaged whiskey, recognized by its clear color. It is usually corn-based and has a very high alcohol content that can peak as high as 190 proof.

Special Moonshine Recipies

This magical elixir cooks in homemade stills usually constructed of copper. These coil and pot configurations range from tabletop to massive booze-producing contraptions. In all actuality, they are simply crude versions of the distilling equipment used by large manufacturers. One of the most notable stills of all time was the one that graced “The Swamp” on the television show M.A.S.H. The two doctors carefully tended to their still as it became a social center for them and the camp.

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Making moonshine revolves around two different processes: fermentation and distillation. Fermentation is a chemical reaction that occurs when the yeast breaks down the sugar. One result of that reaction is alcohol. Distillation is the process of evaporating the alcohol at 172 degrees and collecting the steam before condensing it back into liquid form. As a friend described it to me at one point, it’s like baking a cake—a 180-proof cake.

Special Recipies.

Hiccups Along the Way

Moonshine has suffered a sketchy reputation over the years. While the ’shiners will tell you it is manufactured propaganda, some moonshine would be better off removing paint than sitting in your glass. Countless stories of poorly made moonshine caution blindness, paralysis, and even death. Those stories have become more cliché now as even rookie booze-making has become safer.

For those who have never had a taste of true moonshine, I can tell you that it is certainly an experience. Understand that true moonshine is not designed to be the center of an elegant cocktail or featured on a magazine cover. It is purely a life lubricant intended to ease pain both physically and mentally. At the hands of a master maker, moonshine can be a unique experience. It is devoid of the oak barrels and aging that our regular whiskey gets which makes it unique. My first taste of moonshine happened almost 40 years ago, and my left eye still twitches from time to time.

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The Legacy Continues

Today moonshine is still alive and kicking. It has developed a serious following that the liquor industry has taken notice of. Mainstream liquor companies are now reinventing the spirit, making their shine in distilleries and marketing it to the masses. While not true Moonshine, it is a tip of the hat to its defiant cousin. Plus you don’t have to punch your fist in the wall to help it go down. Cheers!

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