With the recent mysterious drone sightings over several states, talk has turned to drone defense. Beyond that, the war in Ukraine has shown us what the modern battlefield will look like. That modern battle space includes remotely operated drones with explosive payloads. While a handy shotgun has proven mildly effective against smaller drones, the reality is that some of these craft are large and hearty. So, the question is, beyond buckshot, what are our Drone Killer Options?

Drone Killer Options
Before we get rolling, we need to define “drone” for the purpose of this article. The US Military has had great success using “drones,” but these are generally more commonly called UAVs. They are closer to regular aircraft size and are capable of carrying missiles and flying hundreds of miles. The drones we will be talking about are the smaller battery-powered units that have become popular for shooting videos and photos. With little effort, they have become weaponized and are very effective.
The biggest challenge with drones is their ability to be launched from almost anywhere. This can often be close to the target, giving people very little notice of an incoming attack. In most cases, once the drones are seen, kinetic weapons are a viable option, granted they are not too big. The slow speed and lack of countermeasures on most drones leave them vulnerable to most antiaircraft systems if they are in range. Most militaries field antiaircraft guns and man-portable systems that could destroy drones with sufficient warning. For example, Ukraine has had some success using old World War II–style automatic antiaircraft cannons. But is it economical to use a 3-million-dollar UAV to stop a $100.00 plastic drone? Certainly, it is crucial to consider all Drone Killer Options.

Direct Energy Weapons
The answer that seems to be getting the most traction is man-portable direct energy weapons and jamming gear. These technically refer to anything that focuses electromagnetic energy on a target. For drone defense, the focus is jammers, global navigation satellite system (GNSS) spoofing, high-energy lasers, and high-powered microwaves. These are nothing short of space-age-looking weapons that disrupt a drone’s capacity to fly and or complete its mission. They are used in the same fashion as a rifle, but the payload is electronic instead of lead. Among the available Drone Killer Options, direct energy weapons are of significant interest.
One example of that is the EDM4S SkyWiper. This has been used successfully in Ukraine. The device is designed to be carried by one person. The operator points the device at the drone and activates it to disrupt its communications to a range of two to three miles. It also disrupts its satellite navigation capabilities. Depending on the drone’s level of autonomy, it may then fall out of the sky or make a controlled landing. It’s no accident that it has a familiar look. The designers chose to make it look close to the H&K G36 rifle. It even uses an Eotech optic and hand grip with a spring-loaded bipod.

IXI Drone Killer
Another example is the IXI Drone Killer. This weapon bears a striking resemblance to the P90 but is obviously a space-age weapon. IXI states,” The IXI DRONEKILLER enables military and security forces to thwart the use of all consumer drones by enemy combatants. It is compact and lightweight and can be deployed by ground forces personnel in mobile units, strike teams, at checkpoints, forward outposts and security response teams. It is the perfect gap filler and can be used in multiple links of the kill chain.

Classic Scatter Guns
These high-tech weapons are obviously effective but run in the $15,000.00 price range. They are not exactly on the backs of every soldier as well. Because of that, many soldiers in Ukraine have taken to carrying a 12-gauge shotgun with either bird or buckshot in it. While not as sexy as a laser beam, it can be effective if the drone is within range. A shotgun that has gotten extensive use is the Escort BTS12 bullpup shotgun. This is a semi-auto 12-gauge shotgun made in Turkey. Given the correct distance and some skill, a shooter can dispose of a smaller drone very efficiently with a shotgun.
To many, the thought of drones sneaking up on us to drop bombs or toxins is horrifying. However, as with all types of warfare, countermeasures have become another part of the evolution of war. From modern laser beams to old-school shotguns, we can find a way to get them out of the sky before they can do damage. Exploring all available Drone Killer Options is essential for effective defense.
For more information, visit:https://www.robinradar.com/resources/10-counter-drone-technologies-to-detect-and-stop-drones-today