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Soul of the Samurai

The moment has a conflicting essence of tension and calm. The two men stand across from one another, measuring almost imperceptible nuances of motion and breath. Then, in a flash, steel erupts from a scabbard as the first man flows like water to the side. The second man is now in reaction mode, trying to outmaneuver the attack. His blade makes its way toward the sky, only to miss the oncoming steel. In less than a breath, it is over, and the scene is now one man standing and one lying motionless on the ground. It is the reality of long, cold steel. This is the Katana – Soul of the Samurai.

This is the Katana – Soul of the Samurai

This is the Katana – Soul of the Samurai

Unlike what we saw in Sunday morning martial arts theater shows, which we gobbled up as quickly as our cereals, samurai sword fighting is usually brief. When steel was drawn from a scabbard, it intended to kill an opponent as quickly as possible. The primary weapon used by the Japanese samurai was a long sword known as a katana. This is a general term that covers a variety of swords but usually refers to a two-handed sword with a curved, single-edged blade, a circular or squared handguard, and a long handle. These swords were typically kept in wooden sheaths or scabbards and worn inside the belt to keep them in place.

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The Samurai revered their swords.

Lethal Beauty

These swords are much more than cold steel weapons; many are highly prized (and valuable) as art objects. Invented more than a millennium ago, the katana remains an absolute marvel of aesthetic beauty and skillful engineering. The art of making a sword is considered a national treasure in Japan, and it’s one of the most elegant processes to witness firsthand. The katana is an exceptional weapon because of its design. It’s not just simple steel pounded into a blade. The magic of the katana is its construction, which uses two different types of steel. The process begins with smelting. Over a period of about three days of intense effort, katana-makers produce the base steel for the blade.

Jewel Steel

The end product is a steel known as tamahagane or “jewel steel.” The highest-quality tamahagane can cost up to 50 times more than ordinary steel made using modern methods. The swordsmith then takes one piece of the steel and folds it. This reduces impurities in the steel and makes it stronger. Once the folding is done, he pounds a long, U-shaped channel into the steel. He hammers a lower-carbon steel into the channel and forges the two metals together. The product of this is an exceedingly hard and sharp outer shell with a softer core and spine.

The process is long.

The edge is even more refined as the swordsmith coats it with a clay and charcoal mixture before one last firing. This gives the sword its unique wavy pattern, which appears after polishing. This technique makes the edge even harder and more durable. It also produces steel that can be sharpened to a razor edge. The sword is fired again, and then quenching begins. This is also the point at which the blade gets its telltale curve.

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Lengthy Process

From there, the blade is polished. This lengthy process can take as much as two weeks of ongoing labor. This imparts a shine to the steel and hones the sword’s razor-sharp edge. The swordmaker meticulously rubs the blade with a series of grinding and polishing stones as the clay wears away. As he continues, each consecutive set of polishing stones contains finer and finer silicate particles and removes less and less steel. The result is a razor-sharp blade with a highly polished finish.

The accessories accompanying the sword, such as the handguard (tsuba), are called furniture and are as much art as the sword itself. Once assembled, the katana represents a lifetime of skills honed and attention to detail. It is truly a beautiful work of art. Even today, Japanese swordsmiths follow these ancient traditions to produce exceptional katanas. Modern processes have emerged, and we are now seeing blades of incredible quality become available. Many of these are machine-forged, which, to many people, removes the magic. However, machine forging makes it easier for commoners to get more affordable blades.

Serious blades are expensive.

The Quality Comes at a Price

A true Japanese folded-steel blade can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, while a less classic, well-made forged blade can cost $2,000 or less. A quick warning for would-be sword shoppers: The ornamental swords you find in curio shops are simply for display. Do not attempt to cut with them. Few of them are designed for real use, yet they still have an edge sharp enough to relieve you of your fingers. If you are looking for a real sword, educate yourself and find a qualified instructor before you start hacking up the furniture in your living room.

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While long and sharp along its entire edge, the katana is not designed for hacking. Unlike many large European swords, this unique blade requires cutting techniques that focus primarily on the first 6 to 8 inches of the blade and include the kissaki or tip. The katana is designed to cut as the user slices using the topmost portion of the sword. This allows the user to utilize not only its exceptional sharpness but also blade speed as well. The hardness of the katana is legendary, and many helmets have been found with deep gashes inflicted by a well-swung blade. In the right hands, it can effortlessly remove an assailant’s arm or leg.

Test Cutting

For those who practice with the sword, a process called tameshigiri is a critical and enjoyable part of training. This training utilizes a cutting target known as goza, sometimes called tatami omote, which is the mat that covers the top surface of the tatami. Rolled up and soaked in water, with a length of green bamboo inserted in the center to simulate bone, this is believed to be the target most closely approximating flesh.

This is the Katana – Soul of the Samurai.

The targets are often set vertically, though sometimes horizontally, and there are a wide range of cuts, including diagonally left and right, up and down, and many combinations of cuts executed in quick succession. This cutting is more a test of the swordsman than of the sword itself nowadays, and it’s oddly relaxing. Those who experience their first cuts get an expression on their faces very similar to what we see with first-time machine gun shooters. Yes, tameshigiri is addictive, to say the least.

This is the Katana – Soul of the Samurai

The samurai were highly trained soldiers, bodyguards, and philosophers. They embodied their work and created a culture of warriors who applied the lessons of death to life. While this may sound cliché or flowery, it is the truth. The samurai sword was a touchstone for everything they embodied. It was razor sharp yet flexible. It could dispatch an enemy while still being a beautiful work of art. With all these sublime parts coming together with the sword as their center, it’s easy to understand why the katana is considered the soul of the samurai.

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