Florida-based gun company, Rare Breed Triggers, was recently served with a cease-and-desist order from the ATF, regarding its FRT-15 trigger. Following the order, Rare Breed Triggers’ President, Lawrence DeMonico, issued a statement of noncompliance, in a recorded statement posted online.
Rare Breed Triggers Takes on the ATF
The cease-and-desist order, issued on July 26, alleges that the FRT-15 semi-auto trigger is actually a machine gun. The order insists that Rare Breed Triggers immediately halt all production and sales of the trigger. They are also to create plans to address the triggers that have already been sold or distributed.
In the video DeMonico makes the case that the FRT-15 “cannot fire more than one round by a single function of the trigger.” Since this is the most pertinent portion of the definition of machine gun, it lays the foundation for civilly disobeying the order.
During the creation of the FRT-15, they consulted four subject matter experts to verify that the trigger was within guidelines. All of the experts agreed that the FRT-15 is not in fact a machine gun as defined by federal law. Within the group was a practicing attorney and former resident ATF agent in charge, who retired with 25 years’ service.

In addition to the public statement posted by DeMonico, Rare Breed Triggers also immediately responded to the ATF directly. In the response it notified the ATF that it did not agree with the claim. Rare Breed followed this by filing a lawsuit in the United States Federal Court for the Middle District of Florida.
“To put it simply, our trigger is not a machine gun as the ATF alleges, and we have complied fully with the law throughout the manufacture and production of this product,” DeMonico said. “What’s dangerous is that the ATF is no longer just enforcing the law, but starting under the Trump administration and continuing through the Biden administration, the ATF and other agencies which are supposed to enforce the law, now believe that they can reinterpret and change the law, whenever it suits their desires.”
An Alarmed Public
In the video statement DeMonico addresses many concerned citizens who worry that they will become felons overnight. He makes it clear that owning an FRT-15 does not make you a felon—yet. He points out that the only entity served with a cease-and-desist is Rare Breed Triggers. It has zero relevance to anyone who owns an FRT-15 trigger.
Now that Rare Breed Triggers has filed a suit, the litigation must play out before any determination can be made. The ATF cannot address any FRT-15’s currently in circulation until the final ruling has been made. He also reminds us that, to date, there hasn’t been one prosecution or conviction of a bump stock owner.
“We’re going to see this through, because this is a fight to protect not only the second amendment, but really all of our freedoms,” DeMonico said. “We’re seeing more and more examples of our government’s agencies acting without the authority to do so, and far too few seem to be standing up for our freedoms.”
Continue following Personal Defense World for further significant developments as they unfold.