Based on the GP100 that evolved from the Security Six revolver in 1985, the Match Champion was designed with the competitor in mind. Constructed of stainless steel, it’s rugged enough to handle a steady diet of .357 Magnum cartridges, and it has a triple-locking cylinder that latches into the frame at the front, rear and bottom for positive alignment and dependable operation. The frame has integrated subassemblies that require no special tools for takedown and maintenance. A patented double-action (DA) transfer bar mechanism provides maximum security against accidental discharge, and the action itself is tuned for fast, accurate shots. The GP100 Match Champion has a pillar-type grip frame, which accommodates assorted custom grips, and comes with ergonomic Hogue stippled hardwood, one-piece grips. Its slab-sided, 4.2-inch barrel has five-groove, 1-in-18.75-inch, right-hand twist rifling with an 11-degree target crown, plus an integral half-lug shielding the ejector rod. The revolver’s fiber-optic front sight makes for easy and rapid sight acquisition. (
One of the most unique revolvers is the Rhino. Unlike other revolvers, the barrel is located so it aligns with the chamber at the bottom of the cylinder, making for an extremely low bore axis and greatly reduced recoil and muzzle flip. This hard chrome version has many other features, like a vent-rib barrel with an integral accessory rail and a fiber-optic front sight, an adjustable rear sight, stippled wood grips and a SA/DA action that has an internal hammer with an external actuator for thumb cocking. It also uses moon clips for rapid reloads. (
S&W L-Frame revolvers like the Model 686 were designed to take the continuous pounding of .357 Magnum cartridges. This particular version is ready right out of the box for “Stock” service revolver competition. It’s constructed of stainless steel and has a number of enhancements, such as chamfered charge holes in the cylinder, a custom barrel with precision-recessed crown, a bossed mainspring and an ergonomic grip that helps lower the revolver in the hand for better rapid-fire control. (; 800-331-0852)
Recently returned to production, this stainless steel revolver has the famed Dan Wesson tension barrel with interchangeable shrouds, which offers consistent cylinder-to-barrel alignment. The Model 715 also has a superior cylinder locking system. Grips are easily swapped and the HV6 vented, heavy barrel helps tame recoil. The DA pull is short and relatively light, with a crisp SA pull that has endeared the Dan Wesson revolver line to competitors over the years. (; 800-955-4486)
Don’t overlook Rossi for finely made stainless steel sixguns. The Model 972 has a 6-inch, heavy, ribbed barrel with a full underlug, a red ramp front sight and adjustable rear sight, plus contoured finger-groove rubber grips. The Rossi also has a key-lock security system action inside a forged steel frame. (; 800-948-8029)
For a rugged stainless steel revolver that will hold up to any type of competition or defense use, the fixed-sight Taurus Model 65 will fill the bill. The heavy barrel has a full-length ejector rod shroud and rib, and Taurus has also given the revolver an enhanced DA/SA mechanism. The Model 65 has the exclusive Taurus Security System that locks the hammer. Finger-groove, rubber combat grips finish off this impressive package. (; 800-327-3776)
The .357 Magnum has been one of the most popular revolver chamberings for decades. One reason for this is its versatility. A wheelgun in this caliber can shoot anything that will fit in the cylinder, from .38 Short Colt to the hottest .357 loads. It has proven effective in the field, on the range and in the streets, and as self-loaders continue to grow in number, the .357 Magnum revolver’s popularity continues with new models frequently appearing. For example, Ruger has recently modified the GP100 Match Champion that originally came with a fixed, combat rear sight dovetailed into the topstrap by giving it a fully adjustable rear sight. Scroll through the gallery above to learn about six different six-shot .357 magnum revolvers ideal for competition shooting.