The hidden compartment in a book to conceal valuables or a small gun has been a standard literary device used by Sherlock Holmes-ian authors for ages, but that does not mean it isn’t real or effective. Personal Security (PS) Products offers several of these, including its Diversion Books. You get a set of two books that look like nice, leather-bound editions that look great on your shelf. Each one is hollow and can hold either a full-sized or a compact handgun or other valuables.
PSProducts’ magnetic locking Mantle Clock always shows the right time for self-defense with room for other valuables.
PSProducts gun storage lets you hide up to four handguns from around the globe in a ready to access grip up position.
For homeowners with some small amount of skill and in need of more storage space than for just a single handgun, Tactical Walls offers a tough, molded ABS plastic compartment in different sizes that are designed to fit between the studs of a standard 2×4 wall. All you have to do is find the studs, cut a hole in the drywall and install the Tactical Insert. To keep it hidden, you can cover it with clothing (in a closet) or a painting, a mirror or another piece of wall art. The company also sells complete units with sliding mirror covers that can include a magnetic lock as well. Similarly, a renter’s version is available that does not require any permanent modifications to your walls.
For a really versatile gun hide, try the Magna Arm Gun Magnet. This compact and extremely powerful rare earth magnet can be easily mounted on any flat surface and will hold up to 15 pounds. It is coated with a rubberized surface to prevent any damage or scratches to your firearm’s finish. This coating also eliminated any noise when mounting a firearm or removing it from the magnet. Two magnets can also be combined to securely hold a long gun in place. However, magnets are attracted to iron and steel, not wood, aluminum or plastic. If you are trying to secure an AR, all you will have to work with is the barrel.
One type of high-speed electronic safe is the Hornady Security Products RAPiD Safe, which opens instantly with the use of a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system. The RFID tag is embedded in a wearable bracelet, a convenient key fob or inside a plastic card you can store in your wallet. Just wave the RFID in front of the reader and the safe opens. The front of the safe also has a simple four-button programmable code that can be entered to access the safe as well as a key-operated lock.
The RAPiD Safe itself is made from 16-gauge steel and is very solidly built, weighing over 15 pounds. For additional safety, a 1,500-pound steel cable is included that allows the user to secure the entire safe, and its contents, to a solid object so that it cannot be removed by an unauthorized person. The exterior dimensions, while not diminutive at 15 inches long, 9 inches wide and 3 inches tall, will still fit inside most dresser drawers for additional out-of-sight, out-of-mind security.
SecureIt Tactical offers excellent solutions with five conversion kits which offers DIY inserts that fit in any traditional safe or simply mount in a closet or cabinet for fast access with military precision. The adjustable kits are modular to offer “Expandable Formation” which allows you to add-on to your home armory according to your specific needs. This system, originally designed for military users, adjusts to properly store any long gun securely and without risk of damage while providing easy and fast access. The units are available in two- and six-gun configurations with either steel and polymer conversion kits.
The Titan Gun Vault fits most handguns and can be installed under a bed or another piece of furniture as well as a closet or a vehicle. The quick-release bracket allows the same safe to be easily moved from place to place with the use of multiple brackets pre-installed where you want them. A welcome feature of the Titan Gun Vault is that the combination lock is very fast, and when the lid is opened, the handgun extends out of the safe, making it easier to grasp.
Another safe specifically for shotguns and ARs is the TacVault from GunVault. The standing safe can easily fit behind a door or in a closet, and has enough room for two long guns plus a shelf for spare ammo and magazines. The biometric lock opens instantly and easily with a scan of your finger for rapid access. The TacVault is designed to store a fully loaded rifle or shotgun for emergency use, and the biometric lock can be programmed for up to 10 fingerprints to provide access to multiple family members. The whole unit is 48 inches tall and only 10 inches wide, and the steel construction is pry-proof. Of course, the unit can also be bolted to a wall for added security. A combination user-selectable access code open option is also available.
For many people, effective home defense includes a firearm. Of course, having a gun that you can’t get to easily and quickly when you need it provides little utility or security. At the same time, unsecured and loaded guns that are easily accessible pose their own dangers. The key is to strike a balance that keeps firearms away from those who should not have access while allowing fast and easy access to those who need it. Fortunately, there are many products that are available to fit any budget and any situation.