Probably in your cache of go-gear is an axe, a shovel, a saw and an all-purpose knife of some sort. They’re handy to have in an emergency and you’d be foolish to stray far from your house without them nearby. However, they take up a lot of room and, overall, they’re heavy to carry and bulky to store. Instead, consider combining the survival tools all into one with Aclim8’s Combar: a hammer, entrenching tool, saw, axe and knife.
The Aclim8 Combar Multi-Tool
Made from heavy-duty materials (aluminum, titanium and stainless steel), the Combar is as rugged as they come. The tools are compact to keep the overall design small, and the locking mechanism is secure enough to hold the exposed tool in place under vigorous use. Admittedly, the release apparatus is a little fiddly, especially when wet. The total weight of the tool—3.2 pounds—prevents it from hanging off of your belt (though Aclim8 does offer a holster for it), but it feels solid when the axe blade or hammer find their targets. The nylon handle is firm, ergonomically comfortable and ribbed for a better grip, even when wet.

The drop-point knife (constructed of 420 stainless steel) and the folding saw (which uses a standard reciprocating saw blade) that come with the Combar Pro package (or can be purchased separately) are stored inside the hollow handle and can be deployed quickly. Also, the Combar Pro comes with a sold-separately magazine insert that fits inside the handle that can be filled with whatever you think you might need on your journey in place of the knife. Options are the molded-nylon case ($95) and the plastic holster ($45). MSRP: Combar ($425); Combar Pro ($600). For more information, please visit
This article is from the January/February 2020 issue of Survivor’s Edge Magazine. Grab print or digital copies of the issue at