High Tech Harassment: Women Are Being Stalked Using Apple AirTags
I’m all for progress, but sometimes it’s a good idea to take a step back and evaluate certain products. Obviously,...
Joshua Swanagon has studied survival in both urban and
wilderness environments in Colorado and Michigan for
most of his life, while also adding experience in harsher
terrains abroad.
Over the years he has utilized his experience and years of
diverse martial arts and combatives training, as well as
real-world application, as a self-defense/combatives
instructor, published freelance writer and Field Editor
for various leading magazines in the fields of
firearms, knives, survival, self-defense, and tactical
subject matters.
Joshua also brings with him his years of experience as
Editor of, and Subject Matter Expert for, Knives Illustrated
Magazine and Knife & Gear Society
I’m all for progress, but sometimes it’s a good idea to take a step back and evaluate certain products. Obviously,...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqf1HBTTU8s Recently President Biden announced his worn-out list of gun control measures and a new nominee for ATF Director. The...
I am sure you have heard about Biden’s announcement yesterday regarding a new ATF nominee and more gun control. Almost...
Since his last nominee for Director of the ATF was a disaster, President Biden announces a new option. And, since...
The guns of today have come a long way and are quite impressive. I mean, there are firearms that can...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHtslgxCdo0 Another body cam video is making its way around the social media sphere. The video depicts a woman in...
Well, if nothing else, Democrats are consistent. When they say, “never let a good crisis go to waste,” they mean...
It is clear that the ruling elites in our country are desperate for us to forget our history. They would...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STS9LC2Q7C8 We’ve all seen the tourism videos coming out of California, the ones where they show the beaches and beautiful...
It would seem that the Democrats and liberal gun-control groups have a bit of a problem on their hands. On...