The Midterm Election is Here; Vote Like Your Rights Depend on It
Unless you have spent the past two years completely isolated from society, you probably already have enough reasons to vote....
Joshua Swanagon has studied survival in both urban and
wilderness environments in Colorado and Michigan for
most of his life, while also adding experience in harsher
terrains abroad.
Over the years he has utilized his experience and years of
diverse martial arts and combatives training, as well as
real-world application, as a self-defense/combatives
instructor, published freelance writer and Field Editor
for various leading magazines in the fields of
firearms, knives, survival, self-defense, and tactical
subject matters.
Joshua also brings with him his years of experience as
Editor of, and Subject Matter Expert for, Knives Illustrated
Magazine and Knife & Gear Society
Unless you have spent the past two years completely isolated from society, you probably already have enough reasons to vote....
What is the easiest thing in the world to lose but the hardest to get back? Trust. However, when it...
Every once in a while, videos appear online of big cats or bears attacking hikers. The consensus is always the...
There have been a lot of stupid trends over recent years, and TikTok is usually involved somehow. However, there is...
Over very recent years firearm sales have hit record numbers and background checks are on point to come close. With...
Pepper spray is one of the most popular means of less-than-lethal personal protection, yet some colleges inexplicably ban its use....
Once again, Florida is out there leading the way and showing how it’s done. While other states coddle criminals and... Well, this clearly didn’t go as planned. It appears that this Chicago native thinks every state disarms innocent civilians... The Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2023. That sounds harmless enough. In fact, you would have...
The DC Project has been making waves for gun rights while making things difficult on gun grabbers. Its message is...