Smith Wesson M350: Legendary Hand Cannon Review
Smith & Wesson focuses on the handgun hunter with its M350 big-bore revolver. The pistol features the X-Frame and delivers...
Mike Detty has been writing for consumer gun magazines, law enforcement and military journals, and industry newsletters for over 27 years. He is a graduate of the University of Arizona and received a B.A. in Criminal Justice Administration.
Following his graduation from college, Detty entered the officer ranks of the United States Marines Corps. His involvement in USPSA and 3-gun competition led to his writing of firearms evaluations.
Mike has published two novels: Guns Across the Border and Operation Wide Receiver. Both books detail his involvement as a confidential informant to help the ATF and DOJ take down powerful drug cartels.
Mike currently resides in Arizona where he enjoys shooting in the desert mountains that surround Tucson.
Smith & Wesson focuses on the handgun hunter with its M350 big-bore revolver. The pistol features the X-Frame and delivers...
Safariland’s outstanding reputation has been built on its police and military duty holsters and competition gear. Their rugged equipment has... Smith & Wesson has just introduced a pistol caliber carbine designed to be the perfect companion piece to a...
Concealed carry always involves a certain degree of compromise. Most of us would carry a more powerful pistol or one...
For as long as there have been handguns there have been holsters. And as pistols have evolved and become more...
In the firearms community, it is nearly impossible to swing a dead cat and not hit a former U.S. Marine....
I opened my eyes just a crack and looked at the alarm clock. It was 4:15 a.m., so I still...
One of the best parts about being a gunwriter is the ability to see and shoot guns before they are...
No one knows 1911s the way Bill Wilson does. No one! And no one has been more successful in building...
At a recent Gunsite event I had the chance to fully test and evaluate an interesting duty-style 1911 from SDS...