It’s the American dream for a business. Somebody takes everything they have and opens the doors to a business. They scrap, save, and fight for success until they reach the top one day. Well, that is not always the case. Enter B5 Systems and the way they decided to achieve their dream. They opened their doors and fearlessly went after a military contract. They found success with a lot of hard work, sweat, and dedication. While other companies try to build to the point of getting a contract, B5 Systems came out of the gate swinging.

B5 Systems
Founded in 2008 by Judd Burke, B5 Systems has made a well-respected name in the firearm accessories and equipment industry. The company is dedicated to producing innovative solutions for general gun enthusiasts and serious professionals. They produce various accessories, including stocks, grips, handguards, and other accessories. Made with high-quality materials such as aluminum, carbon fiber, and polymer, their products are based on the need for functionality and durability. This commitment to quality and innovation was the key factor that landed them their prestigious government contract for the SOPMOD kit project.

Special Forces Stock
Launched in 1989, the Special Operations Peculiar MODification (SOPMOD) kit project was designed to allow U.S. Special Forces the ability to customize their weapon. This was to better fit them personally and for specific missions. This would be the first program of its kind and was designed to address the “special” weapon modifications for which Special Operations were known. These included a healthy dose of duct tape, zip ties, and hose clamps. B5’s contribution to this project is its well-known SOPMOD stock. Since 2011, B5 Systems has manufactured the SOPMOD buttstock for the U.S. Department of Defense. As a tip of the hat to their dedicated customers, they offer the exact same stock to the public.
Offering a Wide Variety of Products
Enter local attorney Mark Keller. Keller took an interest in the company and reached out. With Keller onboard, they laid out a well-designed plan that would pivot B5 Systems more deeply into the firearms industry. Contrary to the standard business model, B5 focused on selling directly to manufacturers. This allowed them unique exposure opportunities in the firearms world without having to deal with traditional distribution. It also allowed them more time to focus on developing new products for their military clients and firearms manufacturers. The number of manufacturers building using B5 components is significant and growing every day. To date, B5 Systems has the most government-approved and purchased rifle stocks of any firearm accessory company. Product-wise, B5 Systems is diverse, with its stocks being a shining star. While they have multiple models, there are three that stand out.

The Bravo Stock is the official stock for the Army M4/M4A1. Building upon the success of the B5 Systems Enhanced SOPMOD, B5 took all the features end users demanded and made improvements. The Bravo stock is a lighter, more compact, and stronger buttstock. The Bravo stock retains many popular features as well. They include the popular SOPMOD cheek weld, one-piece anti-rotation quick disconnect sling mounts, no slip cushioned butt-pad, and an improved sure grip stock latch. B5 removed the storage compartments on the stock to make it slimmer. It also allows them to angle the rear of the stock, ensuring quick and consistent stock placement against the shoulder and cheek.
Next up is the SOPMOD. This is the stock that, in many ways, put B5 “on the map.” The SOPMOD is the standard stock for all U.S. SOCOM rifles, and B5 Systems has held that exclusive contract since 2010. The SOPMOD is feature-rich while still being compact. It has color-matched steel hardware, no slip-cushioned butt-pad, and dual water-resistant storage compartments. These compartments are perfect for batteries, small tools, or anything the operator would need. By design, the SOPMOD is made of Mil-Spec materials and finishes. As I mentioned earlier, this identical stock is available to the public.

Precision Options
The last stock in this trifecta is the Collapsible Precision Stock. This stock is designed primarily for precision rifle work and is adjustable. The CPS is the official stock for the military’s M110 rifle, which the U.S. Army and SOCOM use. Like their other stocks, the CPS builds on the cheek profile of the B5 SOPMOD and Bravo stocks. The CPS, however, goes even further and includes an adjustable cheekpiece and butt pad to allow a more customizable stock for individual shooters.
It also has internal tensioners, ambidextrous fixed and quick disconnect sling mounts, gross length of pull adjustment via pull down with lockout, underside M-LOK accessory mount, and color-matched hardware. They include all these features while still building it to fit Mil-Spec carbine receiver extensions. On a side note, when entirely collapsed, the CPS will clear the M4 charging handle. While this seems trivial, it is a significant concern for weapons in the theater of battle. There can be no impediment, and B5 Systems made sure it functioned in all configurations.

Another product from B5 Systems that has become commonplace in the rifle world is their grips. Rare is the day I get a rifle in for testing that does not have a B5 grip. First up, we have the P-Grip 22. This grip offers an increased vertical grip angle to improve ergonomics and ensure proper trigger index. In layman’s terms, the grips are significantly more vertical than traditional rifle grips. This is not only more comfortable, it allows the hand to be slightly closer to the trigger and gives up better trigger indexing. This grip is also unique because it doesn’t have the traditional backstrap at the top. The lack of a backstrap places the hand higher on the grip for improved engagement.
For those looking for something a little more classic, they offer the P-Grip 23. Like the 22, this offers an increased vertical grip angle. It also has an extended tang to improve ergonomics and ensure proper trigger index. Both of these grips perform well and offer solid purchase in the grip. A good balance of texturing allows a good grip without grating flesh off your hand. B5 Systems has taken time to remove harsh edges, making them some of the best grips on the market.
Everything You Need
Stocks and grips are not the only products in the B5 Systems lineup. They have everything from cheekpieces and butt pads to rail covers and handguards. Many things have changed in the 16 years since they opened their doors. 2024 will be a big year for the company as it, for the first time, will begin to focus on direct-to-consumer sales. Many, if not most, consumers own their products as a standard component on their rifles purchased from one of their over 70 OEM partners.
While well known in the rifle world, B5 Systems aims to better educate consumers on their products and the brand. B5 Systems shared with me, “To those who know us, we are the best; everyone else just doesn’t know us yet. Our company prides itself on quality, being made in the USA, and having limited lifetime warranty-backed products.” This new angle for the company is nothing but a win for the firearms world. B5 Systems has and will never measure its success in dollars. It is a company that believes in taking care of its employees, customers, partners, and the 2A community.
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