Compact pistols are all the rage, and pocket pistols drive a large percentage of the interest.
In my opinion, top among the most important pocket pistol characteristics are reliability and shootability, while caliber and size fall a little lower on the list. After all, you can always find a bigger pocket to stuff a handgun into and caliber is negligible compared to shot placement.
Taurus is one of the names tossed about when handguns, including pocket-sized handguns, are discussed. The company’s unqualified lifetime repair policy is also a nice addition. From a safety standpoint, Taurus emphasizes handguns ready to be stored properly. Its pistols and revolvers include the key-operated Taurus Security System, which equips every firearm with the built-in ability to be secured via a simple turn of the provided Security Key.
As many people have already learned, well-designed, reliable concealed-carry firearms, including pocket guns, are part of what Taurus is all about. Let’s look at a few of its most exciting offerings for everyday carriers.
Millennium G2

The innovative Taurus Millennium G2 is a great option if you want more firepower and have a little room for concealed carry. All of Taurus’ G2s have tough polymer frames with integral Picatinny rails, as it is never a bad idea to have the ability to mount a light and/or laser unit for faster target identification and aiming.
RELATED STORY: Gun Review – Taurus PT-111 Millennium G2
The Millennium G2 is available in 9mm or .40 S&W. The pistol’s white-dot front sights are fixed, while the two-dot rear sights are adjustable. Additionally, its aggressively textured grips should aid in recoil control. G2 Subcompact pistols also have melted edges for carrying comfort and to reduce snags during draws from concealment. Taurus’ double-action/single-action trigger system includes trigger safeties that fit nicely in the gun’s well-proportioned triggerguard. The thumb safety is easily reached and manipulated, as is the magazine release.
Close-Quarters Autos

For those needing less recoil than a 9mm or a little deeper concealment potential, Taurus has just the thing. The 738 TCP is the lightest pistol in the Taurus stable. Chambered for the .380 ACP, the 738 TCP weighs only 10.2 ounces unloaded and has a 6+1 capacity. This is a true double-action-only pistol with second-strike capability. The slide has low-profile, fixed sights arranged in a three-dot configuration. The slides are available in blued or matte stainless steel finishes.
Probably by the time you read this, Taurus will have a new version of the 738 TCP on hand. This new model will have what they describe as retractable “wings” on the slide that should provide a better grip and assist with racking. Quick into action and highly concealable, Taurus’ 738 TCP has a lot going for it in the pocket pistol race.
RELATED STORY: 709 Slim – Taurus’ Single-Stack 9mm Pistol
The SLIM 709/740 sub-compact pistols are chambered in 9mm and .40 S&W, respectively. They are designated as part of the SLIM line because these single-stack pistols have the trimness to conceal well—thanks to a slide and frame less than 1 inch thick. As Taurus puts it, “No revealing lumps or lines makes concealed carry easier than that larger-capacity gun you already have.”
At 19 ounces, weight for these pistols falls almost exactly between the 738 TCP and the G2 Subcompact, as does the length and height. Capacity is 6+1 in the .40 S&W and 7+1 in the 9mm. The barrel measures 3 inches long and the trigger is a double-action/single-action setup that offers a second-strike capability. A single-sided thumb safety is also installed.
Even though the size and weights of the SLIM 709 and 740 are a little more than some smaller-caliber pistols, they are chambered for more potent calibers. They will do a great job in a concealed-carry role.
CIA Snubbie

For years five-shot, short-barreled revolvers have been staples in the concealed-carry world. Today I have no difficulty finding carriers who would have nothing but such revolvers. They just appreciate the simple operation and reliability of these guns. I completely understand. Carry what you are comfortable with. Five-shot revolvers have spent a lot of days in my pockets and in those of some of the most savvy trainers and experts in the country.
If I had to choose a pocket carry revolver from Taurus’ revolver families, I’d have to go with its CIA line. For ankle or belt carry, any of its fine five-shots would be fine. For me, an uncovered hammer in a pocket is a problem waiting to happen. Concealed-hammer models, however, just slip right out of pockets. They also have a better chance of successfully and deliberately firing while in a coat pocket.
RELATED STORY: Taurus Curve – Next-Gen Concealed Carry Pistol
Of the two concealed-hammer CIA revolvers, the .357 Magnum/.38 Special +P Model 650 and .38 Special +P Model 850 UL, the 850 UL is lighter because of its aluminum alloy frame. Alloy frames make the 850 UL just a tad lighter, a nice bonus for pocket revolvers. Both CIA revolvers include recoil-absorbing rubber grips, five-shot capacities, 2-inch barrels and use double-action-only trigger systems.
The triggers on these revolvers are smooth and their triggerguards are roomy enough for most index fingers. Each has a front sight integral to the barrel and a rear a notch in the frame’s topstrap. As with all Taurus revolvers, the CIAs have the Taurus Security System.
Folk who wish to exercise their important right to carry concealed should check out these offerings from Taurus. If your need is concealed carry in a pocket, Taurus has something for you.
For more information, visit or call 800-327-3776.