Personal defense is not just an urban consideration, safety in the woods is equally important. I like to carry my Ruger Redhawk .44 MAG in a chest holster when I go hunting. This keeps it out of the way of my backpack and easily accessible in the event I need it quickly. Galco now offers that same convenience for large-frame semi-autos with the new High Ready Chest Holster.
Galco High Ready Chest Holster
Constructed of a ballistic nylon front over a closed-cell foam body, the innovative backing plate provides outstanding comfort. Likewise, the back portion of the plate, which rides against the chest, features Galco’s Comfort Cloth lining. The Comfort Cloth lining is an Adaptive Performance Mesh that provides padding and moisture-wicking.
Mounted to the backing plate is a rigid, open-top Kydex holster pocket, offering full slide coverage. The position of the holster pocket allows for a fast draw, facilitating a full firing grip. Similarly, re-holstering is just as easy. In addition, the cut of the holster pocket allows for mounted optics.
Utilizing 2-inch straps to distribute weight evenly, the holster is attached via three quickly operated secure metal side-release buckles. One strap goes over the shoulder and the second goes around the torso. The straps connect at the backing plate, allowing it to pivot for additional comfort.
According to Galco, “Very comfortably carrying a large-frame semiauto in an easily-accessible chest position, the High Ready is ideal for protection when hunting, fishing, camping or hiking in bear country. Positioning on the chest keeps the handgun clear of gear carried near the waistline or on the back. This also helps keep the handgun dry when wading, and is a great choice for riding, whether on an ATV or horseback.”
The Galco High Ready Chest Holster is available now with an MSRP of $169.00. For more info, please visit

Galco High Ready Chest Holster Features
- Hybrid Kydex/nylon construction
- Ballistic nylon front over closed cell foam
- Comfort Cloth™ lining provides padding and moisture wicking
- Rigid Kydex holster pocket for fast draw and easy holstering
- Chest-style crossdraw carry
- Comfortable 2″ shoulder and torso straps
- Three secure metal side-release buckles
- MSRP: $169.00