Shocking news today in the case of the president’s alleged wayward son. Special counsel David Weiss has indicted Hunter Biden on multiple gun charges. The alleged infractions stem from a 2018 gun purchased, a case we’ve closely monitored since the story first began to break nationally in 2021.
Hunter Biden Indicted on Gun Charges
Biden now faces charges for affirmations made on a 2018 Form 4473, a federal form required for all new gun purchases. Biden purchased a Colt Cobra revolver in .38 Spl and allegedly knowingly made false and fictitious statements to secure that purchase. The smoking gun, as it seems, center on Biden’s affirmation he was not an unlawful users of or addicted to any narcotics, drugs or other controlled substance. His public life, however, has chronicled his ongoing struggles with substance abuse and addition–paralleling to the time of purchase. If convicted on federal charges, Biden faces up to 10 years in prison.
Biden Gun Charges
- Making a false statement in the purchase of a firearm
- Making a false statement related to information required to be kept by a federal firearms licensed dealer
- Possession of a firearm by a person who is an unlawful user of or addicted to a controlled substance
PDW previously reported Biden would avoid prison, expected to plead guilty on two misdemeanor tax counts. But somewhere along the way, that deal appears to have eroded. We will continue to update this story as new information becomes available.
On June 21, 2023, Personal Defense World
While President Biden is pushing for strict gun control laws, his son Hunter skates on a federal gun charge. Not to mention the fact that this happened while Biden’s DOJ is actively targeting his political opponent, President Trump. We won’t even go into the multi-million-dollar bribery scheme the Biden family is currently embroiled in. At this point, the Biden administration isn’t even embarrassed at the clearly two-tiered justice system it has established while insisting that “no one is above the law.”
Hunter Biden Gets Slap on the Wrist for Federal Gun Charge
In 2021 we reported (below) that Hunter Biden lied on his 4473 in order to purchase a revolver. Then things got weird when his sister-in-law-turned-girlfriend found the pistol and threw it into the trash. And not just any trash, but a trash can across the street from a high school.
You would think that this would be a big deal to an administration that places such a high value on the lives of children. One that is dead set on cracking down on firearms sales and wants expanded background checks. You would think that, if it were any other than this administration. But it is this administration.
According to Breitbart News, “Biden will plead guilty to willful failure to pay federal income tax — most likely on his foreign earnings — and will enter a “pretrial diversion program” regarding his gun crime, indicating that he will face no jail time.”
The pretrial diversion program is essentially probation. This means, as long as he can keep his nose clean (pun intended) for two years, he’s free and clear. The federal gun charge will be dismissed, and he will not be saddled with the lasting consequences of being a convicted felon.
So, as Biden wages war on law-abiding gun owners, his son gets a pass. I guess it’s true what they say—it’s good to be King. In fact, not only does he get a pass, but Joe and Jill Biden are even trying to garner sympathy through White House spokesman Ian Sams:
STATEMENT FROM @IanSams46 regarding the #HunterBiden settlement: “The President and First Lady love their son and support him as he continues to rebuild his life. We will have no further comment.”
— Ed O'Keefe (@edokeefe) June 20, 2023
The Breitbart News article goes on, “The plea deal will likely involve Hunter Biden admitting to misdemeanor charges that will keep him from jail — and will avoid a trial. President Biden could pardon his son at any point, voiding any criminal consequences.”
That would be bold.
The Firearm Industry Responds
Not surprisingly, the news of this sweetheart deal did not sit well with the firearm industry. An industry that has gone to great lengths to promote firearm safety and protect our Second Amendment rights.
NSSF (National Shooting Sports Foundation) laments the destruction of lives at the hands of gun control for far less.
“Under this administration’s ‘zero tolerance’ policy, licensed firearm retailers have had their lives destroyed for paperwork mistakes far less egregious than buying a gun when you are a crack addict,” said Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF’s Senior Vice President and General Counsel. “They are not serious about reducing gun violence, only scoring cheap political points. It is worth noting this announcement came today, after President Biden’s appearance in Hartford last Friday to call for gun control.”
CCRKBA (Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms) pointed out the blatant hypocrisy of the sweetheart deal.
“The anti-gun-rights movement, from Joe Biden on down through all of the billionaire-backed gun control groups have just lost whatever credibility they ever had, and ever will have, by not immediately denouncing this deal. These elitist anti-gunners must never again be taken seriously by the public, the media or members of Congress and state legislatures when they advocate for tougher gun laws, while remaining silent about the Biden gun crime loophole,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb.
The points made by both NSSF and CCRKBA are 100% on the mark. The Biden Administration, mainstream media, and gun control groups showed their true motives, and it’s not about reducing gun violence. It’s about control. It always has been.
You Can’t Make This Sh*^ Up: When Parody Becomes Reality
In each issue of our sister publication Tactical Life Magazine, there is a section titled FAKE-tical News. And it’s exactly what it sounds like. Parody.
However, In the upcoming July/August issue (sent to print before this story developed), the clairvoyant Mark Chesnut kind of predicted this. I don’t think it was meant as a prediction. But we now live in a country where things are so absurd that parody is becoming reality.
Story by Mark Chesnut:
In this issue’s installment of YCMTSU, as President Joe Biden continues to push expanded background checks for firearm purchases, first-son Hunter Biden’s attorneys are arguing that all background checks are unconstitutional.
As most Tactical Life readers know, the younger Biden once lied on a firearm purchase background check. This is a serious felony that could earn him five years in federal prison. However, prosecutors in our two-tiered justice system have for years dragged their feet on pressing charges.
The New York Times recently reported that two people briefed on the matter indicated that, based on last year’s Supreme Court decision in the Bruen case, “Mr. Biden’s lawyers told Justice Department prosecutors—who were investigating whether to charge him in connection with a gun purchase—that a prosecution of him would likely be ruled moot.”
Interestingly, a detailed reading of the new criteria for determining the constitutionality of gun laws set down in the Bruen ruling would make one think that the younger Biden and his attorneys just might be correct.
If you don’t want to miss this or any other possible parody turned reality, you can subscribe and be the first on your block to get it.
On March 26, 2021, Personal Defense World reported:
We stumbled onto a wild story this morning, one getting very little attention in the mainstream media. Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, bought a gun; and it appears he might have lied on his 4473 to do so. Then a weird series of events allegedly ensued, with the revolver ultimately dumped in a trash can near a high school in Delaware.
Hunter Biden Bought a Gun, Potentially Committing a Felony Purchase
Just as President Biden makes his grand push for prohibitive gun control legislation across the land, his often-maligned son makes headlines again. Now we typically don’t care anything about families of presidents and other leaders, but this one is different. It should also come as no surprise that virtually none of the mainstream media websites are giving this story due attention. So hat tip to Politico, where we first saw this report.
The incident transpired in 2018 following Hunter Biden’s “administrative discharge” from the Navy (note: we think you and I get the BCD on that one). The president’s son failed a drug test for cocaine, leading to his discharge. So in 2018, the Hunter was involved in a relationship with Hallie Biden, the widow of his late brother, reported Politico.
The report alleges that Hallie found a revolver in Hunter’s pickup truck. She then allegedly took the .38 revolver, inexplicably, to a grocery store, throwing the gun in a trash can outside. More troubling, the store sits across the street from the local high school. She later informed Hunter of her actions, kicking off a seemingly frantic recovery operation.
Upon return, Hallie found the gun missing from the trash can, reported Politico. She informed the store. Police arrived over legitimate heightened concern. Eventually, Delaware State Police took security footage and even the FBI responded to the scene.
Placing Blame
During questioning, Hunter reportedly told law enforcement suspicious people worked at the store. The reports say he referred to two “Mexican males,” stating “Yeah, prolly illegal,” reported Politico. Hunter later became upset with a police officer over questions about his father. He “became very agitated with me and asked me if I was intentionally trying to make him mad,” the officer said, according to Politico.
From there, the case takes an even more peculiar turn. Two Secret Service agents reportedly went to StarQuest Shooters & Survival, where Hunter purchased the revolver. According to Politico, the agents attempted to seize the Firearms Transaction Record Hunter filled out to purchase the firearm. The store owner reportedly refused, suspecting the Secret Service agents planned to suppress Hunter’s gun ownership. The store turned over records to the ATF, which responded that same day.
Hunter Biden and a Potentially Felonious Gun Purchase
But here’s the big kicker. Politico obtained copies of the 4473, dated Oct. 12, 2018. He responded “No” on the line asking “Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?”
Wait, he marked “No”? Let it sink in. Hunter Biden marked “No.” Remember, Biden failed a drug test five years earlier, testing positive for cocaine. His troubles with addiction are well documented. We take no pleasure in reporting that fact. Opioid addiction remains a scourge on America. But that well-documented addition makes it impossible not to suspect Hunter Biden lied on his 4473.
Lying on this federal form comprises a felony. So while Joe Biden launches arguably the most targeted attack on the Second Amendment ever, his son potentially committed a felony to unlawfully take possession of a firearm.
The Attack on 2A
Joe Biden shouldn’t decide what guns we can carry. Neither should any other anti-gun politician. Moreover, Hunter’s gun fiasco perfectly illustrates why the left shouldn’t get to decide. This new report makes it seems as if they operate with impunity, above the very laws they force upon lawful gun owners. They would have us restricted, unarmed, defenseless. Meanwhile, they enjoy armed protection, gated estates and fully immunity to break our gun laws.
Mr. President, get your own house in order before you try to take sovereign rights away from ours. You can start by looking at your own son for possibly lying during a NICS background check … you know, the very law you want expanded to every transfer across the country.
Worst case, Hunter Biden lied to purchase a gun. Meanwhile, his partner — in a remarkable display of unsafe gun handling — threw said gun in a public trash can … across from a high school. Hunter then allegedly blamed it all on “prolly illegal” Mexicans. Then the Secret Service reportedly attempted to cover it all up. Maybe Joe Biden shouldn’t worry about the country owning guns. Maybe he should just worry about Bidens.