Most lawful gun owners have a great appreciation for our country’s founding fathers and early leaders. After all, they put the all-important right to keep and bear arms second on their list when drafting the Bill of Rights. And it has basically stood the test of time since then. The U.S. Supreme Court in New York Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen recently reaffirmed our right to “bear” arms outside the home. But a newly leaked document from the FBI is raising some questions.
Leaked FBI Document Identifies “Domestic Terrorists”
These days, however, quoting our country’s early leaders can put a target on your back. In fact, using or posting a few select quotes by Thomas Jefferson, third president of the United States, might now make you a suspect and lead to investigation as a domestic terrorist!
That’s one of the things we learned recently when Project Veritas published a leaked internal FBI document. The document deals with how agents can identify possible Militia Violent Extremists (MVEs).
“In the document, the FBI cites symbols, images, phrases, events and individuals that agents should look out for when identifying alleged domestic terrorists,” Project Veritas said in a news release.
Many of the things listed in the document are frightening. Specifically since one or more of the criteria might just put you on the suspect list. And a few entries on the “Common Phrases and References” section of the guide sheet are particularly questionable.
How often have you seen, or even said or written, the phrases: “When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty,” or “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants”?
Yep, those are things that Jefferson said. And incredibly, use of such well-known Jefferson sayings is an indicator that you might be an MVE. And as a result, a potential suspect for an investigation.
What about the saying, “Molon Labe,” translated as “Come and Take Them”?
According to the FBI document, that’s also a no-no. Apparently, being unwilling to turn over arms to a corrupt government that might someday institute a gun confiscation scheme is unacceptable these days—or at least voicing that sentiment is.

Leaked Document Villainizes History
Does anybody own a Gadsden flag or have a Gadsden sticker on your truck, gun safe, or other personal property? That could place you at risk of investigation, too, as can displaying historic Revolutionary War imagery. Apparently, to the FBI, history forgotten is much better than history celebrated.
Voicing an opinion on past government slaughters like Waco, and Ruby Ridge is also listed on the document as a warning sign. Again, history is better forgotten—even that history where the government unjustly killed dozens of men, women, and children.
If you haven’t found yourself on the “bad” list yet, you’re not trying hard enough. Perhaps this last sign of a possible militia violent extremist will do the job. According to the guidelines, referring to divisive, archaic thoughts like the Second Amendment should cast suspicion in your direction.
It’s important to note that the FBI included a disclaimer in the introduction to the document that reads:
“The use or sharing of these symbols alone should not independently be considered evidence of MVE presence or affiliation or serve as an indicator of illegal activity as many individuals use these symbols for their original, historic meaning, or other non-violent purposes.”
However, that brings little solace, given the rest of the guide sheet’s content that pointed the finger at many who have no ties—and want to have no ties—to terrorism in any way.