Booby Trap Bras, one of the foremost makers of self-defense activewear for women, was founded by a woman who was attacked while out for a jog. The company’s founder, Jennifer Cutrona, is adamant about providing high-quality activewear for women that helps them enjoy an active lifestyle without sacrificing their safety. Each Booby Trap Bra is designed with a hidden pocket that holds various items like pepper spray, a purpose-built knife or a Mace Trigger Stun device. Booby Trap Bras also has a full line of athletic wear to complement the exercise bras.
One of the great dilemmas that plagues modern-day police officers is how to prepare for a less-lethal encounter, especially when you need to apply painful persuasion from a distance. For times like these, Mission Less Lethal Technologies has solutions to fill the bill.
Mission specializes in a wide assortment of less-lethal solutions. However, I want to focus on two select offerings that really stand out due to their inherent ability to always be at the ready. These two launchers are designed around a small CO2 canister that remains sealed until the first trigger pull, when the canister is punctured and made active.
The semi-auto TCR-LE and TPR (next photo) from Mission Less Lethal Technologies are both ideal for being left in stasis for extended periods of time. Both launchers are chambered for .68-caliber projectiles and can launch a variety of munitions, including rounds for pain compliance, pepper-based munitions, glass breakers, marking rounds and even inert trainers.
Impact weapons have been around for a long time. Modern law enforcement has had to contend with more and more equipment being added to a duty belt that is already overloaded. One of the greatest advances to ever hit law enforcement has been the expandable baton. One of the foremost makers of such weapons is Monadnock. The latest iteration of this staple is the Monadnock AutoLock X3 HG baton.
The new AutoLock X3 HG is a compelling option for the rise in demand for smaller batons while offering a larger grip with a Super Grip coating to provide a more substantial feel than traditional expandable batons. The X3 HG also features an updated cam and stainless steel ball-bearing design that offers a reliably consistent locking action and a more solid feel in the hand when performing control techniques. Finally, the baton features a corrosion-resistant electroless finish and an integrated nose cap for smoother reholstering and grip protection.
In 2004, I was working as a police officer for the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Police Department. One evening I was walking through the engineering building when I heard a loud banging noise coming from one of the workshops. That loud noise turned out to be Ryan M. Johnson creating hand-forged weapons in steel. Ryan is a man who works with his hands and is a true metal craftsman of the old world. I have proudly watched him take RMJ Tactical from a small, unknown shop to being the foremost maker of combat tomahawks. These tomahawks are world renowned for their strength and versatility in everything from extricating our troops from downed aircraft to splitting firewood. RMJ Tactical has consistently expanded its product line and now offers some of the finest “Thumpers” available.
The Pocket Thumper is handcrafted from Tennessee hickory and is 9 inches of old-school persuasion. The tool also features a historically important decorative motif. In the 18th and early 19th centuries, pewter was often used as a decorative element on tomahawks, knives and even flintlock rifles. The craftsman would carve a design into the wood using a through hole and undercuts to help keep the future inlay in place. The wood was then wrapped with leather and molten pewter was poured in, filling the holes and designs. This allowed the maker to secure pieces without any adhesives. Other variants, including the Angry Steve (next photo), are available from RMJ Tactical.
PepperBall has been the standard for many years when it comes to less-lethal launchers, and the company has developed some new products for 2017 that should close the gap between problems and solutions.
The VKS-SF is a select-fire electronic firing system that can fire 10 to 12 rounds per second. It fires both round and VXR-shaped projectiles accurately out to 65 and 150 feet, respectively. The VKS-SF also comes with an EL-2 electronic hopper, a 180-round feeding system with anti-jamming technology. It feeds about 20 projectiles per second. The VKS-SF also comes with an adjustable stock, and several accessories are available.
The compact, lightweight, semi-auto TCP fits comfortably on standard duty belt (a molded duty holster is included) and fires six round or VXR-shaped projectiles. It comes with an ambidextrous safety, a rail for lights and lasers, and a CO2- or nitrogen-based action.
Finally, the select-fire FTC-SF is a compact, modular design that can fire 10 to 12 rounds per second. It comes with an ambidextrous safety and can use CO2 or high-pressure air. An EL-2 electronic hopper is included, and the weapon is crafted from lightweight glass-filled nylon.
Did you know that Taser is actually an acronym for “Thomas A. Swift’s Electric Rifle”? Thomas A. Swift was an adventure novel character from the early 1900s, and he influenced the inventor of the Taser, Jack Cover. The Taser and its many iterations has earned its place in modern law enforcement as an effective fight-stopper.
The Taser brand now has various models for military and police personnel, but in recent years the company has developed some impressive civilian models, including the new Pulse. The Taser Pulse immobilizes attackers for 30 seconds, from as far out as 15 feet. The Pulse provides single-fire and multi-cycle capabilities so you have enough time to make a safe escape. In fact, Taser offers a “Safe Escape” promise; should you have to deploy a Taser product, the company wants you to be able to activate it, drop it and run to safety without having to worry over the cost of the unit. After the incident, Taser will replace the unit at no cost to the consumer (with a police report). Each Pulse kit includes two live cartridges, a non-rechargeable lithium battery, a protective soft cover and a conductive target to practice and gain confidence with the self-defense tool.
Sometimes you can’t legally carry a firearm, or don’t have the justification to use one in self-defense. Police officers also need reliable devices to turn to if deadly force isn’t fully justified. In those situations, a less-lethal option like pepper spray or a Taser makes sense, as you can at least slow an attacker down and buy yourself some time to escape. Like firearms manufacturers, companies that specialize in making less lethal gear are constantly innovating and evolving, and we’ve done our best here to gather some of the best pieces of less lethal gear out there to help you protect yourself and your loved ones.