The recent assassination attempt on former president Donald J. Trump got us thinking about all the wild and unbelievable assassinations as well as attempts on U.S. presidents. Trump is, without a doubt, one of our nation’s, if not the world’s, most controversial and polarizing figures. How and why would a lone person risk their livelihood to take out such a high-stakes target? Some believe it’s just a difference in political views, fame, or notoriety the individual seeks. However, others believe MSM and or secret societies play a role in coercing others into these disgusting acts of violence.
How many of them are thought to be “inside jobs” in total? Criminal plots that are masterminded by evil-doers to help guide elections or world events in their favor. Or are we just suckers for good conspiracy theories, and it’s all just a bunch of random coincidences?

Master Assassin or Mastermind?
Are these Master assassins working alone with their crazed intentions? Are they Manchurian candidates programmed and controlled to go off at the right time in history, setting a chain of motions into events to push people toward a predicted outcome?
Assassination attempts on the President of the United States have happened quite a few times, from the early 19th century to the early 21st century. The first known attempt was on January 30, 1835, when Andrew Jackson was targeted by Richard Lawrence, who tried to shoot him twice. Luckily, both of Lawrence’s pistols misfired.
Besides that, three presidents were injured in assassination attempts: Ronald Reagan while in office in 1981 by John Hinckley Jr. and former president Theodore Roosevelt in 1912 by John Schrank.
Many of these attempts, successful or not, were driven by a desire to change U.S. government policies. Mental instability seems to be a required ingredient in most of these attacks. And a few were admittingly legally insane, at least that’s what the federal agents assigned to the cases say.
Since the vice president, who takes over if a president is removed, belongs to the same political party as the current President, it might discourage policy-driven assassination attempts. The third in line, the Speaker of the House, is often from the opposing party, as outlined in the Presidential Succession Act.

Successful Assassinations
Four sitting presidents have been assassinated: Abraham Lincoln in 1865 by John Wilkes Booth, James A. Garfield in 1881 by Charles J. Guiteau, William McKinley in 1901 by Leon Czolgosz, and John F. Kennedy in 1963 by Lee Harvey Oswald.
The latter of the three has been the most scrutinized by conspiracy theorists around the globe for centuries now. The average American, without a doubt, has stumbled across a story or documentary concerning the JFK assassination and led down the rabbit hole without much coaxing.
The truth is that although there are master assassins out there in the world who are not dissimilar to the fictional ones glorified in today’s cinema, it is very difficult to prove their existence due to the assassin’s extreme secrecy. There is no sexism intended here, folks. Percentage-wise, most assassins are male.
Since they operate far above “street level,” verifying their existence is exceedingly difficult. They leave little, if any, evidence, no paper trail, and vanish from the scene immediately after the job is done. Only those who know how to contact them, hire them, or operate within the same circles know of these ultra-elite contract killers; however, for many good reasons, they aren’t telling!
Above The Law
Sometimes, threats against the President are made jokingly or for dramatic effect without serious intent. However, making credible threats against the President has been a federal felony since 1917. Often, we hear the statement, “We had him on our watchlist” or ” He has been a person of interest.” But if those statements are really true, then why isn’t law enforcement acting sooner? Careful now,. Slippery slopes lie ahead. Red flag Laws are nothing to be taken lightly, and most Patriots would agree that Alphabet Soup agencies already hold too much power. So, what action can be taken to stop these people from acting? Some would argue that this only lends credence to the facts of why they believe so many are planned “inside jobs.”

The Abraham Lincoln Coincidence
John Wilkes Booth, known primarily as the assassin who ended the life of the sixteenth president, Abraham Lincoln, was also a very famous and established actor. Like most of his family members, he took to the stage and performed for years. Booth had a reputation as a great actor with an income of nearly $20,000 a year.
Ironically, Lincoln watched John Wilkes Booth in a performance of The Marble Heart at Ford’s Theater about a year and a half before the fateful night of his death. Even more ironically still, Lincoln sat for that performance in the same box as he did when the shot from Booth’s .44 caliber penetrated his skull and killed him.

The JFK Assassination
Probably the one that receives the most attention and the one everyone has a strong opinion on is the murder of beloved President John F. Kennedy. There are more than a few conspiracy theories surrounding JFKs assassination, but the Grassy Knoll remains at the top of the list. Jack Ruby did not act alone. This theory mainly centers around a House Committee investigation that concludes there may have been a second shooter on that day way back in history. Who was he? Who was behind it? Where was the second shot taken from? So many questions.
Ever heard the one about the mob being hired to do the hit? There are numerous other conspiracy theories on JFK and plenty of documentaries to cover them all. Whether you believe it was an ice bullet, multiple shooters, or that the Cubans and Soviets were involved, one thing is for sure, something just doesn’t smell right. Every rabbit hole explored leaves us with more questions than answers. Maybe the fact of the matter is no one will ever know the real truth about presidential assassins, and that’s exactly how the powers that be intend it.