From property theft to motor theft to violent crimes, illegal activities occur daily and can happen to just about anyone. In fact, in 2022, the FBI reported 380 violent crimes per 100,000 people and 1,954 property crimes per 100,000 people. However, just because you go out into public doesn’t mean there aren’t steps you can take to avoid becoming a target.
Becoming a Hard Target in Public
1. Situational Awareness
Someone paying attention to what is happening around them is less likely to become a victim of a crime. In self-defense circles, this is referred to as “situational awareness.” Situational awareness is an individual’s ability to see a situation, perceive it, understand it, and then respond to it quickly and effectively.
Essentially, you see a change within your environment and act accordingly to protect yourself or others. Situational awareness saves lives and helps you make smart decisions that keep you safe.
Remember, criminals look for easy targets and people who do not pay attention to their surroundings.
2. Phone Down, Chin Up
Let us face it. Phones are a vital resource in today’s society and, unfortunately, something many individuals cannot live without. This means these devices are commonly attached to us at all times and rarely left at home. As wonderful and useful as cell phones are, these tools can impact an individual’s ability to remain safe in public.
Time and again, I see people walking around with their noses buried in their phones without a care in the world. The moment your eyes leave your surroundings and start to focus on a screen, you become vulnerable to crime. The best recommendation I can give is to save screen time for when you are at home.
Essentially, when in public, keep your phone down and your chin up.

3. Feminine Accessories
One of the most overlooked ways you make yourself a target in public is by decorating your vehicle. Now, after reading that, you may be thinking, “What on earth are you talking about?” but allow me to explain.
Things such as bumper stickers, fluffy steering wheel covers, and feminine seat covers do nothing but attract attention. As fun as these decorations are, they, unfortunately, scream to the world that a female owns this car. This is the exact opposite of what you want.
Women are a common target for robbery and theft because criminals assume we are weak and will not put up much of a fight. I recommend avoiding bright and colorful car accessories altogether to avoid becoming a target. Instead, blend in with other vehicles on the road.
4. Confidence
You may think the best way to avoid being seen in public is to make yourself as small and invisible as possible. However, this is actually the worst thing you can do for yourself.
Criminals look for weak and vulnerable targets. Nothing screams, “I am weak,” than how you carry yourself.
Rather than walking with your shoulders hunched and in fast-paced strides, instead, posture yourself like you mean business. Bring your shoulders back. Lift your head up. Show the world you are not to be messed with.
Once again, criminals prefer easy targets. So, confidently asserting yourself in public is an effective way to deter criminals.
5. Dressing Appropriately
I will never tell someone how they should dress. However, I will gladly tell someone to be smart in how and when they choose to accessorize. As pretty and fashionable as they may be, flashy rings, necklaces, and bracelets only call unnecessary attention to yourself.
It may sound silly but being mindful of what you wear and where you wear it can save you a lot of trouble. You never know who you may run into and what kind of intentions they may have.
If I know I am going to an area I have never been to before or an area that seems unsafe, I will leave my accessories at home. I recommend that you do the same.
6. Protection Tools

At the end of the day, an easy target for criminals is someone who does not prioritize their safety. Owning a protection tool or tools is the best way to practice personal safety.
Self-defense tools are great for helping an individual level the playing field and invoking a sense of security. Whether a firearm, pocketknife, taser, or pepper spray, I cannot recommend owning some type of self-defense tool enough.
There is a tool out there for you. You just have to find the right one. Nonetheless, regarding the different defense tools you may choose from, always remember to follow your local and state laws.
Closing Remarks
Once you fully understand what it means to be an “easy target,” you will better understand how to protect yourself. Crimes happen daily and thinking that it will never happen to you only creates a false sense of security.
The best advice I can give you is to make smart choices. Adopting the habits discussed above will greatly improve your odds and make you a harder target in public. As the old adage goes, “chance favors the prepared mind.”