Have you ever had that feeling that you’re being followed? Although you can’t pinpoint it, something might not feel right about that car trailing behind you or that stranger who won’t seem to leave your vicinity. Well, your natural instincts may be on point, and you are being followed. Of course, it’s possible that you’re just being a bit paranoid, and all is well. But it is also possible you have a tail you need to shake.
How to Shake an Unwanted Tail
So what do you do? The key is to identify if you are in actual danger by a pursuer and then implement the best ways to shake this unwanted tail. Here’s how.
Why You?
You’re not famous, you don’t really have any enemies, and you always mind your own business. So why would you be followed? This question is always the first thing on a person’s mind when they are possibly being tailed. Their minds race to find a logical reason why this could happen to them.
In reality, there are numerous reasons why the “everyday Joe” could be followed. Perhaps there’s an insurance case pending, and an investigator is documenting supposed injuries. An ex may still be obsessed with their lost love. Or maybe a good Samaritan is trying to get your attention due to a potential safety problem with your vehicle.
There are numerous reasons why someone might be following you. Some may be nefarious, and some may not have malicious intent. However, it is always good to be aware of any follower, regardless of possible intent.
Awareness Is a Must
Often, a person can be easily distracted when walking down the street or driving a car. They may have their music blasting, on the phone, or trying to eat quickly before getting to their destination. No matter the engagement, they all distract from a person’s awareness of their surroundings. If this sounds like you, you’re making it easy for the tail to follow you.

Instead, be more connected to your primary task, whether driving or walking to your intended destination. Be sure to note strangers that appear in your area repeatedly and identify cars that conspicuously follow the same route. (Although this isn’t a guarantee that you’re a target; more on this later).
Finally, don’t dismiss the weird feeling that something just isn’t right.
Breaking The Routine
If you notice a possible tail, it’s time to test your hunch.
If driving, change up your normal route and make some right turns—four to be exact. Often, if you make four right turns in a row, and your pursuer makes those same turns, you’re likely being followed.
Additionally, if you are on the expressway, take the next exit, then immediately get back on. If your tail follows suit, that’s also quite suspicious and grounds for concern.
Finally, when driving, slow down to a speed far below the speed limit. An innocent commuter should keep their speed and pass you. However, a tail will also suspiciously slow down as you do, exposing their secretive pursuit.
Never Go Home
It should go without saying that you should never go home if you have even the slightest suspicion that you’re being followed. More likely than not, this is the pursuer’s primary intention—to find out where you live.
This, of course, can endanger you and your family. Even if your tail doesn’t have misplaced romantic intentions, following you home is just all-around creepy. If they do have misplaced romantic intentions, that can be all-around dangerous.
Don’t drive past your home or even enter your neighborhood. The further away you guide the pursuer away from your home, the better.
Safety In Numbers
If you find yourself being followed either by foot or vehicle, then follow the old adage that there is safety in numbers. This means you should go to locations that are crowded with other people.

These include a shopping mall, coffee shop, large store, or outdoor event. Once there, you can either blend into your surroundings and possibly lose your tail or enjoy the safety of an active setting until you can plan your next move.
Additionally, if you get a good view of your stalker, be sure to note their description. This includes clothing worn, hair color, distinguishing traits, etc. This could come in handy later if the situation gets worse.
Time To Call 911 Or Head to The Police
When is it time to call the police or head directly to the police station? Whenever you feel the slightest danger throughout your experience. Your safety comes first. If it’s a false alarm, then no harm done.
It’s always better to err on the side of caution and listen to your sixth sense. Don’t feel embarrassed, worried that you’ll look foolish, or think you’re wasting anyone’s time. Just go to a police station or call 911 and tell them you’re concerned. You’ll feel much better that you did, and hopefully, your situation will be resolved with their help.

Never let your logical brain or emotional heart overcome your natural survival instincts. Someone following you is scary. However, if you follow the aforementioned tips, you will make it through your ordeal safely and become much stronger because of it!