Here at Skillset, we pride ourselves on sharing as much mindless trivia as possible. Will this mindless intel help you win on the Jeopardy stage? We’re guessing the answer is no, but it’ll definitely help hone your skills for a trivia night at the local bar!
Party In Your Mouth
When you unwrap a burger at your favorite fast food joint, take comfort in knowing that meat from up to 100 cows is involved in your patty. That’s right, the cows that graze together stay together. Well, that’s not entirely true. The meat in your burger can come from various farms, but it’s catchy.

Monkey Business
Believe it or not, it’s against the law for monkeys to smoke cigarettes in South Bend, Indiana. In 1924, a performance chimpanzee lit up a cig and was promptly arrested by the local constabulary. After some hard time behind bars and a five-dollar fine, the chimpanzee was allowed to leave. There is no word yet if vaping has hit the underground primate market.
Stay Frosty, My Friends
Looking for a refreshing snack at your local Wendy’s? If you’re product-conscious, you might rethink ordering a Frosty. Oh, you think it is just ice, milk, and some chocolate? Think again, my friend. There are a whopping 14 ingredients in this popular treat. Don’t forget to ask for an extra scoop of disodium phosphate at the drive-thru window!

Paint Job Poetry
Michelangelo hated painting the Sistine Chapel and wrote a poem about it. “My stomach’s squashed under my chin. My beard’s pointing at heaven, my brain’s crushed in a casket, my breast twists like a harpy’s.”
Calling All My Peeps
Americans buy over 700 million strange, textured marshmallow bunnies each Easter. Created by Just Born, Inc. in 1953, this company produces enough PEEPS in one year to circle the earth twice!

That’s One High-Flying Suit
The price tag on a complete NASA spacesuit comes to about 12 million dollars. Putting one on takes about 45 minutes, including the special underwear astronauts wear to keep themselves cool. You’d think there would be a futuristic waste system for going to the bathroom without undoing the suit, but there is not. NASA makes spacewalking astronauts use diapers but refers to them as “Maximum Absorbency Garment(s).” MAG sounds way more high-speed than Depends.
Life After Death
The creator of the Pringles can is buried in one. When Fredric Baur, who created the iconic Pringles can in 1966, died in 2008, his ashes found their eternal resting place in one. More mindless intel, his remains are in an original flavor can.
Speaking of remains, Mary Shelley, the author of Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus, kept her dead husband’s heart in her writing desk! A rare condition meant his heart remained unburnt after his cremation, and rather than bury it, Mary Shelley decided to keep it in a drawer.
Mindless Intel of Music
In the 1930s, lawmakers in Massachusetts tried to make it a crime to install radios in cars. Concerned with driver safety, they argued that listening to music was too distracting while operating a vehicle. It’s fair to say that 89 years later, music is the last of our worries about distracted driving.
Life In The Dream House
Ruth Handler invented the Barbie doll after marrying her high school sweetheart, Elliot, in 1938. She even named her dolls after their two children, Barbara and Ken. How sweet. Not to be outdone by the old lady, Elliot invented Chatty Cathy in 1960 and Hot Wheels in 1968.

Killer selfies Bro
According to the International Shark Attack File, there have been just 439 fatal shark attacks worldwide since 1958. That’s just 7.5 shark-related deaths per year. However, in India alone, 27 people perished from selfie-related accidents in 2015, according to the Washington Post.
More mindless intel can be found all over SkillsetMag! try reading this artricle next: Greatest Coincidences