As we look back on the year, it becomes obvious that a major shift occurred throughout the year at Skillset. And if you’re reading this article, then it’s pretty clear you are up to date on the biggest change of all. The shift to putting Skillset on the digital map took a lot of planning. It took even more hard work and, most of all, execution. A lot of hard-working people behind the scenes are what made it all possible. Without further ado, the Skillset Rewind 2022 is here!
Skillset Rewind 2022 Starts Now!
When we sat down to discuss what areas of the brand we could improve, there was no doubt we needed to improve on the digital side. With the fantastic caliber of people we come across and the skillsets they have to share, we needed to step our digital game up. Skillset quickly rose to the top on the print side of things, and there was no reason we couldn’t conquer the digital space as well.
So armed with the best contributors in the business, we took aim at sharing the Alpha lifestyle on a more frequent basis with new daily content. We attended shows and events that Skillset had never covered before. We interviewed entrepreneurs trying to fight their way through all obstacles for a shot at the American dream. However, we didn’t stop there.

Videos And Vlogging In 2022
We focused our efforts on connecting our print articles with our digital media by creating behind-the-scenes videos of the events and people we featured. We made a conscious effort to shoot “vlog style” videos and unscripted zoom interviews by design to stick to our blue-collar roots. All that big fancy gear and production can sometimes derail a well-laid plan, one of the main reasons reality television changed how we consume content forever. Does the content lose some of its personality and meaningfulness if it’s too polished? We here at Skillset think so.
The Social Media Factor
Love it or hate it, social media will be a part of humankind for as long as we continue to exist. Skillset has always relied on it to help find the talent, the heroes, the “skillsets” worth featuring, and use it to self-promote. We have made friends off it, found contributors because of it, and even helped people with their problems a time or two. Platforms come and go, and algorithms change, but one thing is for sure, social media is here to stay.
So out with the old and in with the new, As we rewind, it’s clear 2022 was full of change for the Skillset Crew. Stay tuned to see what we have in store for you next year, and represent the #skillsetfam wherever you may roam