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People have used axes for thousands of years not only as tools, but also as weapons to defend against predators of the four- and two-legged variety.

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Making firewood is the most common use for an axe, so get to it. Chop yourself some firewood and shave some wood for easier to ignite tinder.

RELATED STORY: Top 9 Axes, Hatchets and Tomahawks For Survival Situations

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You can use an axe to cut wood, branches and foliage to create an impromptu shelter from the elements. Axes can also break up hard ground and be used as digging tools too.


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Use your axe to hunt and field-dress animals for a food source. You’ve got to keep your energy up to survive.

RELATED STORY: 20 Modern Mountain Man Survival Tools

Snow & Ice

If you find yourself out in the cold, an axe is a great tool to help you dig, cut and chisel through ice and snow.

Disclaimer: Axes, tomahawks, hatchets and other cutting tools are inherently dangerous by nature. Any person throwing or handling them assumes all risks and responsibility for any property damage and bodily injury to themselves or those around them. Seek proper instruction and act safely and with caution while using these products. Misuse can potentially cause serious injury or even death.

For More Information


Gerber Gear

TOPS Knives



This article was originally published in BALLISTIC™ Summer 2015 magazine. Print Subscriptions are available here