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The Tactical Games Sawmill, USPSA, IDPA, and ICORE Major Matches

We devoted an entire post to covering the 2022 Steel Challenge results, and for good reason. That match was epic, and had even more important storylines than just what we were able to cover. However, that wasn’t the only big match that weekend, so let’s get down to business and cover everything else, starting with The Tactical Games Sawmill.

The Tactical Games Sawmill

Right off the bat, and for the first time we have results from one of the Tactical Games events. The Tactical Games Sawmill event occured just south of Greenville, South Carolina. There were over 160 masochists…er, we mean shooting and fitness enthusiasts competing in the Games this year. The categories for The Tactical Games are absolutelybaffling. Unlike shooting sports that focus on shooting, the Tactical Games use age and fitness based categories.

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I​n order to keep things simple, here are your overall winners according to Practiscore. Danny Duke wins The Tactical Games Sawmill overall, and Tristin Burris wins the Women’s overall championship. Men’s Intermediate Class had the most competitors, with Jonathan Augilar winning there.

USPSA Major Matches

Moving on to sports I actually understand, there were two USPSA major matches this past weekend. First up is the DoubleTap Championship, one of the crown jewels of USPSA regional matches. Kicking things off in Carry Optics, there’s no surprise that Max Michel wins there. Another USPSA legend, Travis Tomasi wins in Limited, while Ken Yang wins Open division and Zack Cam rounds out the high capacity divisions with a win in PCC.

I​n low capacity divisions, Production’s winner is Brett Thomas, and Randi Rogers wins Single Stack division. Sadly, there were no Revolver shooters in attendance. Lastly, High Lady for the match is Thy Ngo, shooting Open Division.

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T​he Tactical Games Sawmill wasn’t the only big match in South Carolina. The 2022 South Carolina Section Championship was the same weekend, and 263 shooters turned up at Belton Gun Club to make this an extremely well attended match. Sean Griffith wins Carry Optics, Bill Duda wins in Limited, Mike Hwang takes Open, and Corey Scheel takes the PCC win. 

I​n the low-cap divisions, there were actually Limited 10 and Revolver shooters at this match. Jonney Grunnet wins the 3 person L10 division. Over in Revolver division, Jeffrey Yang takes a well deserved win by 15% over second place. Tyler Turner wins in Production, and Gerrit Heinrich wins a fairly well attended Single Stack division. Lastly, Jessica Doironwins High Lady, from PCC division. She also wins Best Jessica, as there were four women with that name competiting.

I​DPA Major Matches

T​here were three IDPA majors over the weekend. First up is The Ocho, an IDPA speciality match that only allows Custom Defensive Pistol and Compact Carry Pistol (CDP and CCP) because each of those guns only hold 8 rounds. Thanks to the IDPA rule changes, this will likely be the last year for this match, as after June CCP will allow 10 rounds. Your winners here are Pat Doyle in CCP and Richard Donaghe in CDP. High Lady is Olena Phillips.

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U​p next is the Maryland State IDPA Championship. Here are your winners by division

  • C​CP: Jeffrey Fletcher
  • C​DP: David Olhasso
  • C​O: Micahel Fiori
  • E​SP: James McGinty
  • R​EV: Michael Ludden
  • S​SP: Michael Haskin

Furthermore, Nick Fralick of the USAF Action Shooting team finished second in Stock Service Pistol, despite limited competition experience in IDPA. Also, Christine Parsons wins High Lady.

Finally in IDPA we had the Western IDPA Regional Championship. This is one of the larger IDPA matches, with over 170 shooters this year. Winners by division break down like this:

  • High Lady: Teri Keefe
  • BUG: Kevin Ballent
  • CCP: Tim Zheng
  • CDP: Joeseph Truesdale
  • CO: Benjamin Hardt
  • ESP: Brian Buller
  • PCC: Shaun Gardner
  • REV: Brion Thomas
  • SSP: Sean Young

ICORE SW Regional Championships 

Finally we come to our last match of a week that kicked off with the Tactical Games. ICORE, or the International Confederation of Revolver Enthusiasts, had their SW regional championship over the weekend. The overall winner here was Lewis Warner in ICORE’s open division. Open revolvers are 8 shots, with optics and compensators attached. Emma Dominguez wins High Lady at this match. 

A​s you can tell, it was a busy weekend for competition shooters! If you’d like your match featured in an upcoming issue of the Major Match Roundup, send an email to with a link to the Practiscore page.