Pictured Left to Right, Top to Bottom: Springfield Armory XD Mod.2, Taurus Curve, Ruger LCR 9mm, Kimber Ultra RCP II (LG)
The world’s smallest .45 ACP, the XR45-S takes a different approach to subcompact design. The grip frame and six-round magazine are positioned under the barrel rather than behind it, with rounds extracted from the rear of the magazine. This unique design makes the 5.77-inch-long Boberg shorter in outer dimensions while allowing a longer 3.75-inch barrel. (http://www.bobergarms.com; 651-287-0617)
The MC 14’s double-stack magazine holds 13 rounds, almost twice that of most .380 ACP pistols on the market. The Chiappa is somewhat big by modern .380 ACP standards, measuring 6.8 inches in length, 5.17 inches in height and 1.34 inches in width. The double-action/single-action (DA/SA), hammer-fired .380 ACP has heft at 24 ounces, fills the hand, points naturally and delivers excellent performance. (http://www.chiappafirearms.com)
Packing .380 power into a compact and affordable package is the new CT380 from Kahr Arms. Featuring a polymer frame, 3-inch barrel, matte stainless slide and an empty weight of only 11.44 ounces, the 7+1 autopistol combines great handling with concealable dimensions. In addition, the double-action-only (DAO) system makes operation safe and simple.
The new Ruger LCR in 9mm tips the scales at 17.2 ounces, measures 6.5 inches in length with a 1.875-inch shrouded barrel, 4.5 inches in height and 1.28 inches in width. The exterior dimensions are identical to the .38 Special +P version, but the 9mm has the same reinforced construction as the .357 Magnum LCR. It comes with three moon clips for easier loading. (http://www.ruger.com)
The Mod.2 is an upgraded XD Sub-Compact with refined contours and the new GripZone multi-surface texturing. The 3-inch-barreled XD Mod.2 features a new contour to the polymer frame and a new slide design, making it a more refined pistol that is easier to handle. Weighing 26 ounces unloaded, the Mod.2 measures 6.25 inches in length, 4.75 inches in height and 1.19 inches in width. (http://www.springfieldarmory.com; 800-680-6866)
The 10.2-ounce, double-action-only (DAO) Taurus Curve packs 6+1 rounds of .380 ACP in a package that is 1.18 inches wide, 5.18 inches long and just 3.7 inches in height. The next-gen pistol has a “print-free” curved polymer frame, a carbon steel slide, a holster-free belt clip, an integrated LaserLyte LED light/laser combination unit and a unique bore-axis sighting system for quick, instinctual point shooting. (http://www.taurususa.com; 800-327-3776)
The Charter Arms Undercover Lite DAO .38 Special +P is a classic five-shot revolver that weighs in at a mere 12 ounces. With a broach-rifled, 2-inch barrel, the aircraft-grade aluminum and steel wheelgun features a durable matte black finish, contoured, recoil-absorbing rubber grips and a fully shrouded hammer. (http://www.charterfirearms.com; 203-922-1652)
The 10+1 capacity 9mm Glock 26 Gen4 has the smallest frame and slide dimensions available in a 9mm Glock model. The G26 Gen4 is also one of the easiest subcompacts to shoot thanks to Glock’s Gen4 dual recoil spring assembly design. The G26 Gen4 measures 6.41 inches in length, 4.17 inches in height, 1.18 inches in width and features a 3.42-inch barrel. (http://us.glock.com; 770-432-1202)
The ultra-compact Kimber Custom Shop Ultra RCP II is equipped with a gutter channel sight atop the slide and rosewood Crimson Trace Lasergrips (LG). It features carry melt contours, a durable KimPro II finish on the matte-black steel slide and matte-gray aluminum frame, 7+1 capacity, a height of 4.75 inches, a length of 6.8 inches and a weight of 25 ounces.
Available in 9mm or .380 ACP, the P290RS is only slightly larger than a Sig P238 .380, with an overall length of 5.5 inches, a 2.9-inch barrel, a height of 3.9 inches and a width of 0.9 inches. The hammer-fired DAO pistol comes with dovetailed contrast or SigLite sight and is available with an optional laser module. The gun comes with one 6-round magazine and one 8-round magazine.(http://www.sigsauer.com; 866-345-6744)
This latest entry from Smith & Wesson is an M&P version of the 6+1 capacity .380 Bodyguard semi-auto equipped with an integrated Crimson Trace laser. The pistol has ambidextrous laser activation, double-action fire control and a manual thumb safety. The gun features a 2.75-inch barrel, an overall length of 5.25 inches and a weight of just 12.3 ounces. (http://www.smith-wesson.com; 800-331-0852)
Introduced in 2007, the PPS is a striker-fired, polymer-framed semi-auto with a remarkably narrow width of just 0.9 inches, a weight of 20.8 ounces, overall length of 6.3 inches and a height of 4.4 inches. Available with six-, seven- or eight-round magazines, the PPS has a striker indicator at the back of the slide, a blade trigger safety, a 3.2-inch barrel and a durable Tenifer slide finish. (http://www.waltherarms.com; 479-242-8500)
Concealed carry, like the term “pocket pistol,” is open to various interpretations. The only constant to either is that no one should be aware that you are carrying concealed. Achieving that goal is established by three prerequisites: the type of gun, the means of carry and your ability to proficiently retrieve the gun. The 12 guns chosen for this list cover a range of sizes and calibers, and all are ideally suited to achieving the goal of personal protection through a concealed-carry firearm. Armed with this information, you should be well equipped to choose which firearm type works best for you and your personal needs regarding concealed carry.