Today we live in a world that includes the best rifle optics of all time. For hunting and other long-range applications, there’s simply nothing in the past that competes glass-wise with what’s available at your local sporting goods store, friendly neighborhood gunshop, or over the internet and delivered right to your front door. But, a high-dollar scope with a German name that can put your eyeball half-way into the next county on a trophy elk hunt isn’t always the best way to go for certain uses, and for those uses, the past can teach us some very valuable lessons. Old technology is not always outdated technology, and the concepts of short, powerful, quick shots so thoroughly proven for well over 100 years in Africa among some of the most dangerous game on the planet are still perfectly valid in our own times; most particularly in situations where it’s not an elk at 300 yards, and what’s being hunted at the moment is you. Enter Ruger’s new Guide Gun—a mix of “old” sights, potent calibers and thoroughly modern recoil management.