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Winchester Smokeless Powders Releases Winchester 572 Ball Powder

The following is a press release from Winchester Smokeless Propellants

Winchester Smokeless Propellants, the powder For Loading Professionals is excited to announce the release of Winchester 572, a new Ball Powder® available immediately in one-pound (1lb), four-pound (4lb) and eight-pound (8lb) containers at quality reloading powder dealers. This new propellant is strategically designed and manufactured to perform multiple powder functions:

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  • Allows duplication of the famous Winchester 28-gauge AA® target load
  • Perfect for the original Winchester 3¼ dram equivalent, 1330 fps, 1¼ oz, 12-gauge upland game load
  • Provides top-quality 1200 fps target loads in both 28- and 20-gauge, with all popular reloading components
  • Showing off its versatility, can be used in shotshell field loads from 12-gauge to 28-gauge and handgun applications such as 380 Auto, 9MM Luger, 38 Special and 45 ACP.

Complete load data for this versatile and useful propellant is accessible on the Hodgdon Reloading Data Center at

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About Winchester Smokeless Propellants

For over 75 years, Winchester Smokeless Propellants have provided quality, high performance Ball Powder to ammunition factories, the U.S. Military, and handloaders everywhere to duplicate the factory performance loads from handgun to rifle and shotgun.

Learn more at

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About Hodgdon Powder Company, Inc.

Established in 1947 by Bruce and Amy Hodgdon, today, sons Bob and JB have grown Hodgdon Powder Company into the largest US supplier of smokeless, blackpowder and blackpowder substitute propellants. The company distributes gunpowder under the Hodgdon®, IMR®, Winchester, Goex® and VihtaVuori® brands.

Learn more about the brands at these websites –,, or and connect with the Hodgdon brand on Facebook or YouTube.