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Highest-Selling Guns in 2020, 2020 gun sales

NSSF Releases Data on Highest-Selling Guns So Far in 2020

When COVID-19 reared its ugly head in March, it had a pretty profound effect on the gun industry. We immediately name it “Gun Salesman of the Year” as gun sales surged. The FBI report a 24.7 percent year-over-year increase in NICS checks for April. Then for May, the NSSF reported

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PWS MK111 Pro Pistol custom, lead

GIVEAWAY: Win a Custom Fire or Ice PWS MK111 Pro Pistol

For this steamy “Custom Challenge,” Primary Weapons Systems (PWS) shipped a pair of MK111 Pro pistols to the coating masters at Blowndeadline and MCM Firearms to let them showcase their creativity in a head-to-head face-off. There was only one direction, and it came down to a simple question: Who wants

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