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inrangetv pornhub channel

InRangeTV Creates PornHub Channel Amid YouTube Crackdown

In the wake of YouTube cracking down on firearms videos, content creators are scrambling to find alternative means of getting their videos out to the public. One popular channel, InRangeTV, has done just that; it’s now posting firearms videos on the adult website PornHub. InRangeTV will continue to publish content to YouTube,

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LMT CSW rifle confined space weapon Athlon Outdoors Rendezvous

VIDEO: The Lack of Noise, Blowback on the LMT CSW Is Scary Good

There are a lot of features that put the LMT CSW in a league of its own. For starters, its integrally suppressed. Not the first rifle in this category, but gas and blowback, or lack thereof, is staggering. [in_content post=”2510″ alignment=”align-left” /] The CSW’s ability to easily fire both sub-

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Gun Control Advocates AR-15 Buffalo's Outdoors

Buffalo’s Outdoors Trolls Gun Control Advocates with #OneLess Video

In a symbolic protest of the Parkland, Fla., shooting, gun owners have been sawing their AR-15 style rifles to render them ineffective. YouTube personality Buffalo’s Outdoors recently took up the cause, but in a different way. [in_content post=”2887″ alignment=”align-left” /] When an electric saw in hand, the video starts as

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Tikka T3x TAC A1 Rifle Sean Utley Reaction

First Time Shooting Tikka T3x TAC A1 Rifle Causes Explicit Reaction

You know that feeling when your fire a rifle for the first time and it’s absolutely amazing? Sean Utley does, and he just experienced it with the Tikka T3x TAC A1. Utley, a precision shooting expert, had the camera rolling while evaluating the rifle for the premier issue of “Ballistic’s Best.”

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Robert Keller pistol reloading

VIDEO: Everything You Should Consider with Pistol Reloading

Editor’s note: The above video on pistol reloading contains explicit language. Before we get into how to properly perform a pistol reload, some introductions with your instructor. Robert Keller, “Bob” to his friends, is the founder and CEO of Gamut Resolutions. Keller has more than 19 years of U.S. Army

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Running Coyote hunting long-distance hunt

VIDEO: 160-Yard Shot Proves How Tough It Is to Hit Running Coyote

The following is the third segment of Beast Master Hunting’s “Kill of the Month.” Each month, Nick Atkinson, founder of Beast Master Hunting, will provide the Ballistic audience with first-hand video of his hunts. Enjoy! This video of a large Texas coyote was recorded at about 160 yards, through a Trijicon

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