You look at the history of the westward expansion in America, you will see a period of roughly a hundred years, the 19th Century, full of major battles and forgotten skirmishes, isolated shootings and one-shot affrays. It was a chaotic and turbulent century, but when the last page of the
In case you’re unfamiliar with the term, a “belly gun” is a handgun with a very short barrel and often without a front sight. They are meant for close-range gunfights and are called belly guns because one may press the muzzle against his opponent’s belly before firing a shot. So,
Without question, the most iconic and readily identifiable handgun in the world associated with a single person is the engraved, ivory-gripped Colt Model 1873 Single Action Army owned by General George S. Patton. This is due entirely to the character and charisma of the man himself. More than any other
David Livingston has been a friend and fellow Fast Draw shooter for many years. He is a former chairman of the World Fast Draw Association (WFDA). Also, he hosted the World Championship shoot for five or six years at the Durago, Colorado, Train Depot. I used one of these shooting
Sam Colt may have created the 1851 Navy, but Wild Bill Hickok made the .36 caliber Colt pistols immortal. Indeed, there may have been more famous guns than the brace of Colt Model 1851 Navy revolvers carried by Hickok. But there was no more famous pistol caliber in its time.