The very first snub nose revolver was a Colt. And you can erase the image of a Detective Special or even a 2-inch barreled Peacemaker from your mind. The first Colt snub nose was a Paterson. It was also the very first Colt revolver, built all the way back in
In the chronicles of the American Frontier, two names have become synonymous with “The Gun That Won the West”: Colt and Winchester. And, as true as that may be, historically, two other American arms makers have an almost equal claim to the title, Remington and Smith & Wesson. If we
In 2005, Taurus International introduced a new centerfire single-action (SA) revolver into its lineup of handguns. A South American company, Taurus called it the Gaucho. To be honest, I never did an evaluation on one or even shot one. Obviously aimed at the Cowboy Action Shooting (CAS) market, I saw