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Smith & Wesson revolvers and the Old West

Forever Linked: Smith & Wesson & the American Old West

In the chronicles of the American Frontier, two names have become synonymous with “The Gun That Won the West”: Colt and Winchester. And, as true as that may be, historically, two other American arms makers have an almost equal claim to the title, Remington and Smith & Wesson. If we

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Shooting the Taurus Deputy revolver.

TESTED: Shooting the Taurus Deputy Single-Action Six-Gun!

In 2005, Taurus International introduced a new centerfire single-action (SA) revolver into its lineup of handguns. A South American company, Taurus called it the Gaucho. To be honest, I never did an evaluation on one or even shot one. Obviously aimed at the Cowboy Action Shooting (CAS) market, I saw

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