Ruger SR-556
The 5.56mm AR Platform REDEFINED- Runs Cleaner, Cooler with Improved Reliability!
The 5.56mm AR Platform REDEFINED- Runs Cleaner, Cooler with Improved Reliability!
Reliable, shootable and accurate — high-tech striker fired big bore!
Developed by DPMS with Paul Howe of Combat Shooting and Tactics, the CSAT Perimeter and Tactical rifles in 5.56x45mm offer users a pair of top-end, limited-edition tactical AR carbines. Sporting 16” barrels, the primary difference between the two variants is the Perimeter’s heavier contour barrel as compared to the Tactical’s
Originally developed as a submission for the USMC’s solicitation for a lightweight precision rifle, the DPMS REPR (which stands for Rapid Engagement Precision Rifle) boasts a host of new and intriguing features. Based off the company’s LRT-SASS platform, the .308 Win. rifle sports a dark tan earth coating on its
After a tremendous amount of research and testing by Bill Wilson and the Wilson Combat team, the company has come out with custom AR platform rifles chambered in 6.8 SPC caliber. The 6.8 SPC (6.8x43mm) was developed by the United States Army Marksmanship Unit to offer superior downrange lethality over
MasterPiece Arms has made some innovative alterations to the traditional MAC-10, yielding a new level of versatility with the implementation of a side-cocking mechanism. The placement of the cocking handle has been an issue for some with the MAC-10. Traditionally sitting on top of the barrel, the handle can cause
Develop an understanding of the principals, planning, tactics, and techniques used as an executive protection specialist during this introductory level course. Designed for individuals interested in pursuing a career in executive protection, this course will teach you the fundamentals such as advance site survey development, protective formations and protective threat
When you need a lightweight carry revolver, you can turn to Smith & Wesson’s Small Frame Airweight Series. They are the original aluminum, small frame revolvers chambered in .38 S&W Special +P. Available in three distinct hammer styles – the “Chiefs Special” with exposed hammer, the “Centennial” frame with fully
Loaded with custom features, this AR has it all for on-the-job-duties!