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A Woman’s Perspective on Why Feminism Today Is Thoroughly Misguided

“I can bring home the bacon, fry it up
    in a pan and never, ever let you forget
    you’re a man — ’cuz I’m a woman!”
 — Enjoli Perfume commercial.

If you have the entire Enjoli jingle now running through your head, then you were around in the ’80s. If this was before your time, it’s worth Googling. Warning: You will probably have this song running through your head all day. You’re welcome. In the ’80s, this was a bold, but not uncommon, message of feminism: The empowered woman worked and could bring home the bacon. However, she also could fry it up in a pan. She cooked! She never, ever let her guy forget he was a man. Most importantly, there was still an element of class. Long gone is the feminist movement of yesteryear. And what you thought was in your face and ridiculous then is nothing compared to today.

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Describe feminism today in one word: Misguided. However, there are those of “us” who get it (see above photo). #SkillsetFam

Feminism Today

Today’s feminist movement is composed of nothing short of loud, overbearing, classless, crude and hypocritical (I’m only stopping with the adjectives due to word count limitations) females who are so narrow minded they cannot be reasoned with. This is not me being mean, this is just fact.

Feminists demand respect without acting respectfully. It defies all logic. They vilify men, accusing them of viewing women as sexual objects, all while they’re standing naked in the streets protesting. Hmmm, I’m more than boobs and skin, but here, look at my boobs and skin. Words such as “oppression,” “mansplaining,” “equal rights” and “misogyny” are so free-flowing it can be infuriating. 

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The last time I checked, I am a woman. I am also a woman who is not emotionally delicate, nor easily offended. However, the modern-day feminist movement not only offends me, it is an embarrassment. These females make far more of a mockery of my gender than any man. They’re in public wearing vagina hats on their heads — enough said. I don’t agree with their agenda, so they tell me I am misguided, as if I am unable to think for myself. This is exactly what they accuse men of doing to them, and it is such hypocrisy. From some angles, it’s even amusing.

Taking It Back

Take the #metoo movement. This movement is supposed to combat and to bring about awareness of sexual harassment. Not exactly the most brilliant hashtag, though. The hashtag symbol is still commonly known as the “pound” sign. So, it could be seen as reading, “Pound me too.” I’m sorry, that’s funny, and I don’t care who you are.

It’s not equal rights they’re after. It’s not even special treatment they seek. They want to rule over everyone. Well feminists, I’m here to tell you, vaginal victory will not be yours.

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I’m on a mission to take back my gender from these feminists. I feel like Wyatt Earp in the movie “Tombstone” — not after revenge, but a reckoning. (“If I see a red sash, I kill the man wearing it!”) I’ll just change “sash” to “vagina hat” and “kill” to “slap.”

Seriously though, I am not alone in my want of bringing back what a truly empowered woman is. Women who understand what being a lady is still exist today. No, we are not prudes and we can definitely hang with the men, but when we do we aren’t behaving like one. We also aren’t offended by every word that falls from their lips. We understand the importance of men. It doesn’t threaten us; we welcome it.

Also, we are self-sufficient and confident without demeaning the male gender. We are soft and delicate, yet strong and independent with the fortitude and intelligence to balance that mix. We understand a man’s needs and fulfill them, knowing in turn that he will do the same for us. 

Being a Real Lady

Where does feminism today lose its footing? Well, behaving like a lady is far from an unequal weakness. Women need men for many reasons. We can’t do everything they can, and they can’t do everything we can. It’s not a disadvantage. We are equal, just in different ways. Marilyn Monroe said it best: “Being female is a matter of birth. Being a woman is a matter of age. Being a lady is a matter of choice.” 

So, if you’re suffering from “Vagina-Hat Fatigue” as I am, stand up for what you believe, despite their rants and temper tantrums. If you’re a man who tips your hat or opens a door for a lady, please continue. If she gets mad, who cares. We are not the minority, we are a silent majority and we can stand up to these loud-mouthed feminist bullies.

Men are being emasculated and targeted like never before. Our sons and daughters need to understand that masculinity is wonderful and truly compliments the art of being ladylike. Understood, they work together beautifully. And, on a final, positive note, these feminism today is making the rest of us women look good! 

“When a culture of ladies arises, a culture of gentlemen will follow.” – Jason Evert

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